New interconnect.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I am looking for a new interconnect to replace my current Chord Chameleon Silver Plus. I have looked at the Chord Chorus 2 & anthem 2. Which one would be a significant jump from my current chameleon? any ideas?...I will sell my brilliance synergy and replace them with the chameleon for my turntable. The new chord will be used for my cd and amp.
Why a chord? Try a Nordost off the Bay and if you don't like it you can sell on, a Heimdall or suchlike?
Chord recommend matching your Epic Twin speaker cable with their Chorus 2 or Anthem 2 interconnects so it down to you and your system really.

At this price level I would suggest trying to get your dealer to let you compare at home before deciding which to buy.

(Chorus 2 is listed on Chord's own online shop as £275 for 1m and £199 for 0.5m.)
I have the same interconnects so would be interested in the outcome is any listening tests, as currenly I have not had the time to find a dealer to listen.

On a side note, I also have some RA reference mains cables, but recently tried one of the cleareraudio silver line mains cables. Wow, is the only comment, I had to question whether the RA more expensive cable was actually doing anything. Going back to the default mains cable showed me it still was, hence I bought it in the first place.

But the silver line reduces the back ground noise dramatically and gives everything more realisum, even the new readers on news 24 sound more natural.

While you investigate the interconnect I would recommend you give the silver line a run for it's 60 day home trial.

Good luck on the interconnect. I have rumour 4 cable so would need to look at that also when changing my interconnects, never ending!

For now just expanding my cd collection.
gbhsi1:I want to stick with one brand. I like the quality, sound and look of Chord cables.

Then just buy the most expensive one you can afford no?

Then just buy the most expensive one you can afford no?

gbhsi1:Good point. I might just do that.

Unless you subscribe to the view that it's a bad to introduce a component that out classes the rest of your system. I've always found this an odd point of view, but many people seem to agree. You don't want a cable that is "too good" for your gear... Still makes no sense to me though....
It makes no sense to me either. If an expensive cable is able to transform your sound to a new level, then surely spending that much on a cable is worthwile. But then again, I also agree that if you buy an expensive cable that costs twice as much as your one single component, it would be better to spend that cash on upgrading your single component as this would bring you greater rewards in terms of sound quality. There is pros and cons for both methods.
I've tried different cables (DNM, Chord, Qed, Ixos, Acrolink) and nothing even comes close to my new Tara Labs interconnects.
Search for the Spectrum 1a (i use it beetween cd and amp) or Prism 300a (blu ray and amp).
gbhsi1:It makes no sense to me either. If an expensive cable is able to transform your sound to a new level, then surely spending that much on a cable is worthwile. But then again, I also agree that if you buy an expensive cable that costs twice as much as your one single component, it would be better to spend that cash on upgrading your single component as this would bring you greater rewards in terms of sound quality. There is pros and cons for both methods.

No cable will completely transform the sound of your system. What they can do is refine a sound you like, or take the edges of components that are too much one way ie bright, or bassy, or etc etc.

Gimme 24 mins and I will be the proud owner of a ...
JoelSim: No cable will completely transform the sound of your system.

So true, for that you need a new rack...

You should try it, and then you'll understand
Don Guess:Great, I've just bought a Kondo Ongaku, perhaps we can have a bake off.

You do realise that upgrading is all Foo? Nothing makes a difference so I'm told.
It makes a difference but it depends what part of your system you upgrade... lol

Mains cable should come ages after changing your amp I reckon..
I'm running with a Primare cd31/Usher CD1 as my cd players, the Usher P307a pre amp and 2x Usher R1.5 pwr amps. My original cables where the silver plus and upgraded to the chorus 2. This was a huge in provement in itself. But changed to the anthem 2 after a demo. Virtually the to are nearly identical in the mid band and lower registers but the anthem excels in the space and seperation of the instrument and extends further in the higher frequencies creating better ambience and a slight improvement in timbre and tonal colouration. For a couple of hundred bucks the anthem is worth it. My jaw literally dropped when i tried them. thinking that at that level differences where minute and i could save a couple of dollars getting the chorus 2. If you opt for the chorus 2 i have 3 pairs that i'll sell...
gbhsi1:I am looking for a new interconnect to replace my current Chord Chameleon Silver Plus. I have looked at the Chord Chorus 2 & anthem 2. Which one would be a significant jump from my current chameleon? any ideas?...I will sell my brilliance synergy and replace them with the chameleon for my turntable. The new chord will be used for my cd and amp.

Try to ignore the facetious, unhelpful comments that some people post. I have used the old Anthem RCA and the CSP (which I still use to connect my receiver to my amp) and now have the Chorus 2 XLR. Most people would suggest that it's overkill for my system but I got it for about £180 on ebay and I've bought and sold expensive cables for a profit over the last couple of years so it was worth it to me - and will cover me if and when I upgrade. The Chorus is fantastic. I had the Signature RCA (original) for a couple of days before selling it on and I reckon the Chorus 2, albeit XLR is as good.
silver high breed .... cheap off ebay (£16) .... some are saying it is better than interconnects that cost £600+ .... well I hope so, cause I bought some!
Nordost Heimdall vs Kondo Ongaku.

Sounds like a Japanese wrestling competition.

Anyway Don, you have a 1979 Amstrad music centre and bell wire. Bet you also have a Ronco Veg-O-Matic?
Nordost Heimdall vs Kondo Ongaku.

Sounds like a Japanese wrestling competition.

Anyway Don, you have a 1979 Amstrad music centre and bell wire. Bet you also have a Ronco Veg-O-Matic?
Nordost Heimdall vs Kondo Ongaku.

Sounds like a Japanese wrestling competition.

Anyway Don, you have a 1979 Amstrad music centre and bell wire. Bet you also have a Ronco Veg-O-Matic?