New Baby....Advise needed


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone,

After nine long years I got another baby. My new baby boy is only one week old and I don't want to startle him with sofa shaking music or movies. I must say that my listening and watching will be limited for the time being. I used to play my music and movies very loud. Now, I must learn how to be contented with night mode. I will also disable my subs in the mean time. At the moment, I have a new hobby..........cuddling and babysitting.
Do you have a baby at home? How do you deal with this kind of scenario? Also, can anybody suggest any music or movies specially made for babies so that I can gratify and please my baby and of course my wife? Many thanks in advance.
Congrats n all.

Barenaked Ladies did a whole album of children's songs. At least you'll keep some face if you buy that rather than Bob the Builder!

My youngest daughter is now just over 10 months old. As far as the volume is concerned I can still play it at fairly loud levels and she loves dancing about to it. However, when she goes to bed the volume goes right down!! Do not wake sleeping babies!!

For programmes though I find they like standard brightly coloured stuff like Playhouse Disney. Pretty much any Disney material is well received!
congrats to you

Best thing is to get him used to a little bit music when he is awake so he becomes familiar with it, just have it on in the background then a little louder when your holding him and dancing with him etc, it's not a good idea to have the house to quiet otherwise it may upset him when you can't live without your music/movie kick anymore.

i put my daughter to bed then make sure shes fast asleep then go downstairs and fire up the amp ..sub and the the whole 5.1 set-up in THX mode and crank it up!.... until i get told to turn it down by the female in the house.

When my 2 arrived, we didn't change a thing. Still have the movies loud at night and never woke the kids.... Also now a great excuse to watch wall e, toy story, star wars etc, etc. I also remember my daughter still in the womb dancing to this charming man by the smiths. What a proud dad !
When myÿ2 arrived,ÿ we didn't change a thing. Still have the movies loud at night and never woke the kids....ÿ Alsoÿ now a great excuse to watch wall e,ÿ toy story,ÿ star wars etc, etc.ÿ I also remember my daughter still in the womb dancing to this charming man by the smiths.ÿ What a proud dad !

Try Jungle Book too, and I bet you dance around making monkey noises.


As said already - keep everything normal and as you had it (unless you really did have the volume at ear-piercing levels!). You'll find they soon get used to it and will soon sleep through anything. Babies that live their first few weeks/months in a tip-toe environment will wkae at the slightest sound for years!

Enjoy - children are life's gift!ÿ
Only thing I done was turn the sub down but the main volume stays the same. Got a Popcorn Hour last week so my get out of jail card was putting all the Disney stuff on it complete with poster art etc courtesy of YAMJ. Kids love it!!!
I had to buy a pair of floorstanders, as my first was one of those who are 'into everything' and kept nearly pushing the existing speakers off their stands. ÿI also had to use the vacuum cleaner trick once on a tweeter which had been poked. ÿI had apoplexy, but - amazingly - ÿthe speaker survived with no permanent damage.

Having a family does mysteriously change your taste in music/movies, though. ÿIt's taken ten years to get back to the 'darker' side of things.
congrat's, like said before - keep things as normal as poss. One great thing about new arrivals is coming home from work, sitting down cradling them, some nice smooth music and before you know it your asleep before they are
soooooo relaxing. the only competition the hifi will have now is that lovely pair of new born lungs! just make sure the bottles are ready
Thank you so much for all your suggestions and congratulatory messages. God Bless!
Hi everyone,

After nine long years I got another baby. My new baby boy is only one week old and I don't want to startle him with sofa shaking music or movies. I must say that my listening and watching will be limited for the time being. I used to play my music and movies very loud. Now, I must learn how to be contented with night mode. I will also disable my subs in the mean time. At the moment, I have a new hobby..........cuddling and babysitting.
Do you have a baby at home? How do you deal with this kind of scenario? Also, can anybody suggest any music or movies specially made for babies so that I can gratify and please my baby and of course my wife? Many thanks in advance.

Hi Liujol,

Dont even worry about it, just enjoy your baby & cherish those hugs as they soon grow, im a father of 4 ! When mine were babies i thought to hell with the loud movie viewing & belting out the chili peppers it was all about priorities, i used to save the loud movie viewing when my mother would have them 4 the night or through the day if a family member took them out.
children are life's gift!

I asked for shoes instead

But seriously, it's lovely to have all these proud dads around. And i'm with the posters who urge filling your child's life with music and movies, and sharing your passion for quality sound/vision with them. I can't remember a time when my parents didn't play music, and I still enjoy listening/watching with them.

Good luck with the sleep-deprivation!
One thing my daughter (aged 14 months) loves is guitar hero on the PS3 - she even has her own baby guitar!!

By the way, I spent an age specifying a cabinet which had lockable doors! In the end i had a custom one done - keeps sticky baby fingers away from my gear!!!



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