New 50in plasma, what should I buy?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have had a few problems with my Samsung PS50A556 and it looks like I'm going to be offered a replacement or I should be able to pay a little more for a better model.

I'm am thinking of the Samsung PS50B650 and PS50B850or the Panasonic 50G10. Should I consider any other sets?

Also what would be todays equivalent of the A556?

I watch blu-rays, play Xbox, and watch SD freeview.

I would like better black levels from a set, and a hopefully the ability to update firmware over the web, without usb sticks!

Any thoughts?
samsung problems? what kind of problems?are you sure you want to buy the same brand and have the same probable problemns?
There is a buzzing from the set, and two faint lines across the display, not massive issue, but once you notice them...

Generally Panasonic seem more expensive, and they too are not without their problems.
Hi...I was actually thinking of buying the Samsung 50b650 but now I am turning towards the LG 60 PS8000. Its only 1500 quid @ Currys and is THX certified....10 more inches for 500 bucks, I think its good value?!! Anybody own one??
Panasonic will give you deeper blacks & better SD picture quality than the Samsung.

Can't comment on the LG sets, they're trying hard to make good quality TVs, but I haven't been impressed so far.
hmm I think the Samsung may be a good bet, I have a Panasonic and I like it, but I probably wouldn't buy another one.....
Stay away from the PS50B850, I had one, great picture and great asthetics, but dreadful image retention and a really loud buzzing you could hear from 13ft away with the surround sound on.

I had two, the second had 2 samsung mods and they could still not fix it, in the end I went for the philips 52PFL7404, and I will never look back.
Garth Man:hmm I think the Samsung may be a good bet, I have a Panasonic and I like it, but I probably wouldn't buy another one.....


Dont get me wrong they produce good screens. Last years models were good (i did buy one....) and so are this years.

I just think the Pana lack that extra sparkle at the moment. Blacks are very good, and so is the detail and motion. But the lack of in depth calaberating annoys me, and features are lacking (THX mode is a gimmick, as is 600 mhz...). I think WHF hit them on the head with 4* reciews, they are very good, just not the best anymore. Also I think there are better TV's around the same price bracket now, that offer better value and performance.

Basically i wish I had a Pioneer 50 inch.....
I paid £699 for my tv, so thats the minimum I will get, the 530 and 551 (Currys version of 560 I think), retail @ £799 and £899 respectively.

The 650 is £999, but online its 5% off, unfortunately the G10 is £1199, which is a bit more than I want to spend.

After a conversation with the store manager, having received such poor service over the past year, he/she should have no choice but to upgrade me.

Also aren't the colours lacking ajustment, and otherwise inferior to the Samsung?

There is a buzzing from the set, and two faint lines across the display, not massive issue, but once you notice them....

These are exactly the Same issues I have with my PS-50P96FD, very loud buzzing (more pronounced during sceens where the screen is prodominantly white) and faint but visible horizontal banding (more noticible where a logo is on a white background), Itis currently with a repair agent for Domestic and General (glad I have a extended new for old warrantry!) but the engineer says he can't find anything wrong with it!

Did they tell you what the actual fault was causing the problems with your TV?
On my PS50B850 it was the y & x drives running the TV, they also had a mod. suggested from the USA of fitting additional isolation pads.

They changed the drive and added extra pads, but it did not solve the problem.
My TV was never fully diagnosed, it came back once from the Tech Guys (with a firmware update!), which exactly the same problems it left with, the second set of engineers came out on Saturday and picked up the TV, again both agreed on the same faults.

In regard to a replacement, I think the Panasonic G10 will be too much extra cash. In regard to replacing the A556, I am going to argue for the B650, as this set has a USB port and PIP, which the 530 and 550 do not have. Also my 556 was £999 and so is the 650.

Setting aside the 50Hz fault the 650 seems to have everything I am looking for, and in my opinion every set will be some sort of compromise. Beside this will be used mainly for games and BD and very little freeview.

Would I usually be able to order online as well as instore, as online sems to be 5% cheaper, and free delivery.
if your initial tv was the same price as the b650 i cant see how they could refuse you a swap , i have a 46g10 and its brilliant , if i was you id consider the 50g10 , in fact id tell the seller that you want either a b650 or your £950 back , richer sounds have the 50g10 for just under a grand , tell the seller you have been discussing the issues on here , might help them do the right thing ?
Thing is when I purchased my TV it was on sale @ £699 from £999, then shortly after it went back up to £999, so I very much doubt they would give me £950 cash. Therefore I need a sound arguement that a suitable replacement for the A556 (no longer stocked) is the 650. (Factor in all my messing around, and being left for a month without a tv too!)
ah , i didnt read the whole thread , you will be lucky , but its worth a shot , alternatively , a refund of your £699 plus another £51 will get you a 46g10 ??
Hi, I'm also having the very same "problems" with my 1 week old Samsung PS50c550 (2010 model).

I've rang Currys and they said to bring it back so they can have a look but from what I'm finding here and on other forums I'm not sure it's even worth the bother since it seems I could easily come back with another one that has the same thing.

I'd read about some people complaining about the panel buzzing before I'd bought it so wasn't really that suprised to find mine does the same (it gets slightly louder when the screen goes all white etc.) and I can live with it but the faint horizontal bands are bothering me quite a bit now I've noticed them!

There are three or four of them each around 2-3 inches wide running accross the top half of the screen. I first spotted them whilst gaming when a white logo screen came on. Now I've noticed them I can also see them in some backgrounds (against sky etc.) and it's really starting to annoy me because other than that the picture's stunning now I've calibrated the settings.

It's definatley not image retention or screen burn from gaming either because from straight out the box I turned everything right down to an almost unbearable dimness while the screen is running in (currently around 100 hours use now) and I turned all the HUD displays off on the games aswell.

I can't seem to get to the bottom of wether it's a "charateristic" of the technology that may improve over time or an actual fault?!


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