I had these speakers some years ago; also jamo c809. Many speakers and some amps went through my hands since.
By memory these are quite good speakers, but of course the acoustics/positioning will play the biggest part for your satisfaction with music.
I was quite happy with them and they made me happy everyday. Soon I started to earn better money and was able to pay easily 10 times more... It was disappointment after disappointment (with both amps and speakers)... In the meantime I got into acoustics and learned (also by practice), that the good acoustics is more important.
I discovered that you can have much better musical satisfaction with good acoustics and cheap (literally cheap) but selected equipment rather than with bad acoustics and quite expensive and generally acclaimed electronics and speakers.
I want to give you amp advice based on my experiences over the years, but I don't want to start a discussion here. How can I send you a personal message (can't find such function in this forum - using it for the first time)?