Need help on Arcam separates


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have Arcam separates ,which are amp A65,Tuner T51,CD72 .I also purchased a power amp P80.My Speakers are Monitor audio silver.I have tried bi-amping using the power amp and am not happy with the result,so i have disconnected and reverted back to the normal supply to the speakers.I still find that i do not get enough base and sound through my speakers.Can any one have a solution,as i am looking to sell the whole lot and buy something that does give me a bit more more guts to the music.

I used to have an A85 and P85 - I am not sure what you were expecting, but biamping wont necessarily give you loads more bass. Maybe its a different setup you need?
Hi The speakers are Full metal theatre ,silver series.I dont have connectors i just use the cable ends .
Can you confirm a few things here

Do you have the full 5.1 theatre set up with with floorstanders as fronts, dipole rears and sub?

How are you decoding the HT soundtrack?
No,i only have 2 speakers .Floor standing and no sub woofer.What is diploe rears?What is a HT sound track?

Do you think i need a sub woofer ?
The full metal theatre series was sold as a home cinema system. (HT = Home Theatre). I was confused with you set up there 🙂

Do you have the speakers spiked into the floor? How close to the back wall are they? And how far apart are they? More bass can be achieved by placing the speakers nearer the rear wall as can moving them a bit further apart. Doing this can result in other problems but speaker placement can be key in achieving the sound you want.

A sub would certainly add more bass although with the speakers and amplification you have I can't really see bass being a problem.

What exactly is the issue with the bass? Not loud enough? Too wooly?
A good Subwoofer like a Rel or Mj Acoustics will bring you instant bass but if its purely for music id suggest one with a downward firing driver.

As for gaining bass in other ways, you may need to change the electronics.

I currently use an Arcam FMJ CD33. When i bought this new i tested it against a Krell Kav280cd. The Krell's bass was in a different league to the Arcam, but it was more than twice the price too.

I had an Arcam FMJ A22 amplifier at one time paired with the cd33 and the systems bass performance was very poor and that was through a big pair of PMC IB1's. I then added a Krell power amp and my problem was solved.

I currently use the CD33 with a Krell Kav300i intergrated amp and the bass is perfect. I think Arcam components are lean sounding but partnered correctly they can sound very well.

So, if in budget, you should find a used Krell Kav300i, 300iL or 400xi and try it in your system. Or give a Sub a try

The full metal theatre series was sold as a home cinema system. (HT = Home Theatre). I was confused with you set up there 🙂

Do you have the speakers spiked into the floor? How close to the back wall are they? And how far apart are they? More bass can be achieved by placing the speakers nearer the rear wall as can moving them a bit further apart. Doing this can result in other problems but speaker placement can be key in achieving the sound you want.

A sub would certainly add more bass although with the speakers and amplification you have I can't really see bass being a problem.

What exactly is the issue with the bass? Not loud enough? Too wooly?

The Full Metal Theatre Series, what MA speakers make up the series? Is it RS8 + smaller silvers? I've never heard of them.
The speakers are along a back wall ,yes i use the spikes on the floor.I feel that there is not enough guts in the base .It seems with the amplification i dont get good enough base.They are along 1 wall about 8 feet apart .

The speakers are about 8 years old .I bought them from sevenoaks which they recommended.
Stupid question and I'm sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs but are woofers definitely in phase? ie +ve terminal on speakers definitely connecting to the +ve terminals on the amp and vice versa. If not this has the affect of cancelling out the bass. Otherwise I suggest you look at a sub if you have checked all other options.


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