need help choosing 50 inch tv


New member
Aug 10, 2019
i want a 50 inch tv budget of 1000 been looking at samsungs has anyone got a samsung 50 inch or can recomend me something
I have a Samsung 50"" Plaz which I am extreamly happy with and so it would appear where my Inlaws and my Wife's brother as they have since gone out and got a 50"" Samsung as well (tho differant models to me)

IMHO the Samsung's offer great V.F.M.
Full HD 1080p or HD Ready 720p? what's your viewing distance?
mhartnell:bout 5 metres from sofa 1080p preferablyWell, 5 metres away there is no way you can tell the difference between 720 and a 1080p HD picture. So I would look at the LG 50PG6000 or the Panasonic 50PX8 (£699 to £750).


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