Need a cheap Hi Fi Stand!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Alright guys,

So after spending money on a plasma, amp, etc. I have a little cash left for a hi fi stand which is needed to house:

Sky Box
Rotel RA-1062 Amp

I only wanted to spend like £70 but a search online has shown me that's pretty much not possible. Does anyone have any idea where I can get decent ones for low price, that are well built and don't look tacky. Probably a lot to ask. I guess my budget could stretch to £100.

Comet do some good units for around your budget. Personaly I wouldn't but your hi fi equipment on the same unit as a ps3 and sky box as they vibrate a lot abd could cause interferance so a seperate hifi unit is always recomended.
If you're really struggling have a careful nose at ebay.

Unlike electronics hi-fi furniture is much easier to judge condition and I've seen some very interesting kit go that way. Look for UK auctions wanting personal collection with good quality piccies and library stuff.

Both my stands were ebay finds and phenominal value from well cared-for homes.


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