Need a bit of help deciding please..


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of choosing a sub to add to my stereo set-up to add some bass and also to make the most of films when I eventually get a TV to connect up.

The room is 5mx5m with the hifi along one wall.

Recently I borrowed a friend's MJ Acoustics pro50 mk1-8inch driver and 50W I think. This was my first experience with a sub and put a big smile on my face and I realised with some tracks what I had been missing. So I thought to myself I MUST get me one of these!

But I need some help deciding on which one to get. Im not in a position to demo any subs at the moment purely because the only local ones are B&W which are out of my price range, apart from the small ASW608..but don't know if this could give me the quantity of bass I want, how does it compare to the MJ one I tried?

My budget is £350 second hand or used.

Currently I could get the..

BK XLS200 for £315 delivered

MJ Acoustics pro 50 MK2 £310 delivered

Rel T2 £295 delivered

B&W ASW608 £350 delivered

Any stand out offers there?

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance
You're not going to like this.

I'd put the money into upgrading your current speakers. A subwoofer isn't going to sprinkle magic dust over your system, and may in fact have a negative effect.
IMO you wont go wrong with the likes of the B&W 608 but dont rule out the Monitor Audio Vector VW8 either

IMO though for an extra £50 (or if you can find it 2nd hand) the likes of the B&W ASW610!

I've heard the M/A sub and the B&W 610 subs with the NAD C 326BEE & Marantz 6003 amps with the Marantz CD6003 CDP and the B&?W 685 and Dali Lektor 2 speakers and both subs are superb

Fast, taut, solid bass depth that times well with both speakers and really helps to open up the bottem end of the music
You're not going to like this.

I'd put the money into upgrading your current speakers. A subwoofer isn't going to sprinkle magic dust over your system, and may in fact have a negative effect.

Severly disagree with that comment

The Marantz/B&W combo the OP has is a good system full stop; the sub will add extra depth and pounch to the system and it'll really help to open up the soundstage
Hi Tarquinh,

No, thank you for your input.

I really like the speakers, they're probably my favourite part of the system. I'm also going to be upgrading the amp to something like the NAD 352/355 or something from Rotel as I know now these are a better match for the speakers and my music tastes.

These along with perhaps some new cables and speaker stands and some granite plinths will be my first major upgrade since purchase.

So Im afraid the speakers are here to stay.

Hi Tarquinh,

No, thank you for your input.

I really like the speakers, they're probably my favourite part of the system. I'm also going to be upgrading the amp to something like the NAD 352/355 or something from Rotel as I know now these are a better match for the speakers and my music tastes.

These along with perhaps some new cables and speaker stands and some granite plinths will be my first major upgrade since purchase.

So Im afraid the speakers are here to stay.


I think youre doing right re the amp upgrade. The Marantz amp is good but it can be a little too smooth at times

The likes of the NAD C355BEE, Rotel RA06SE and even the Rotel RA1520 amps would be a superb upgrade.

If you wanted to go 2nd hand then the Arcam DiVA A85 amp or a Cyrus 8vs2 amp would be a superb mnove as well as would the likes of a Roksan Kandy LIII or even the K2!

For me one of the best entry systems currently is the NAD C326BEE amp, Marantz CD6003 CDP and either the B&W 685's or the Dali Lektor 2's.

The Audiolab 8000S shouldnt be discounted though as its at a very good price currently; it can also be partnered with its matching power amp (again at very good prices) and this combo would really drive the 685's superbly
Hi Dan,

Thanks for your input.

I haven't heard of the Monitor Audio sub so I'll have a look at that one.

The 610 looks really good, but yes as you say its a case of finding one 2nd hand.

I think I read downward firing subs are better for music, though I may be imagining this, hence my choices above. Is this not really the case, noting the forward facing drivers of all the B&W subs?

Thanks also for the amp advice. Budget is £400 for that particular upgrade so no K2 im afraid 😛. I could get the RA04SE for £200 but am worried about the 40w/ch power rating and also the fact that it may be too much of a side ways move from the marantz, and that I should be looking higher up the ranges.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again

I would say REL's are the way to go, I got my REL R-305 via e-bay in absolute mint condition (piano black) for £280 plus postage. they integrate very well using the rel neutrik cable.

you can view it in my system pics and also the neutrik connection on the rear of my amp.
You're not going to like this.

I'd put the money into upgrading your current speakers. A subwoofer isn't going to sprinkle magic dust over your system, and may in fact have a negative effect.
Severly disagree with that commentThe Marantz/B&W combo the OP has is a good system full stop; the sub will add extra depth and pounch to the system and it'll really help to open up the soundstage
Dan, myself and a few others on various forums have always felt that a subwoofer decouples the lower bass from the music, which is why I'd be hesitant. I've heard quite a few subwoofers, and they've always degraded the sound for me, which is why I made the comment.

You're not going to like this.

I'd put the money into upgrading your current speakers. A subwoofer isn't going to sprinkle magic dust over your system, and may in fact have a negative effect.

Severly disagree with that commentThe Marantz/B&W combo the OP has is a good system full stop; the sub will add extra depth and pounch to the system and it'll really help to open up the soundstage
Dan, myself and a few others on various forums have always felt that a subwoofer decouples the lower bass from the music, which is why I'd be hesitant. I've heard quite a few subwoofers, and they've always degraded the sound for me, which is why I made the comment.

if the sub is set up incorrectly then yes it would have a negative effect, but set up correctly it will ( as dan has said ) open up the soundstage and add depth etc etc..a sub should integrate with the lower frequencys that your speakers cannot reproduce and in thereory you should not be able to notice the sub is on or where the sound is eminating from. well thats how i have mine set up

You're not going to like this.

I'd put the money into upgrading your current speakers. A subwoofer isn't going to sprinkle magic dust over your system, and may in fact have a negative effect.

Severly disagree with that commentThe Marantz/B&W combo the OP has is a good system full stop; the sub will add extra depth and pounch to the system and it'll really help to open up the soundstage
Dan, myself and a few others on various forums have always felt that a subwoofer decouples the lower bass from the music, which is why I'd be hesitant. I've heard quite a few subwoofers, and they've always degraded the sound for me, which is why I made the comment.

if the sub is set up incorrectly then yes it would have a negative effect, but set up correctly it will ( as dan has said ) open up the soundstage and add depth etc etc..a sub should integrate with the lower frequencys that your speakers cannot reproduce and in thereory you should not be able to notice the sub is on or where the sound is eminating from. well thats how i have mine set up


Afanku Stig
Hi Dan,

Thanks for your input.

I haven't heard of the Monitor Audio sub so I'll have a look at that one.

The 610 looks really good, but yes as you say its a case of finding one 2nd hand.

I think I read downward firing subs are better for music, though I may be imagining this, hence my choices above. Is this not really the case, noting the forward facing drivers of all the B&W subs?

Thanks also for the amp advice. Budget is £400 for that particular upgrade so no K2 im afraid 😛. I could get the RA04SE for £200 but am worried about the 40w/ch power rating and also the fact that it may be too much of a side ways move from the marantz, and that I should be looking higher up the ranges.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again


As good as the Rotel RA04SE is its too much of a sideways step IMO

The likes of the NAD C355BEE or a decent 2nd hand Arcam DiVA A85 would be the best way to go IMO

As I said above though dont discount the Audiolab 8000S without taking it for a test drive

Re the subs; donward firing subs do have a different 'kick' to their sound of=ver sideways firing subs but neither are better than the other IMO for music!

My money would be on either of the B&W's or the M/A sub
Sigh. I've been through this so many times before. Why is it people cannot accept the simple reality? To me subwoofers unbalance the sound, full stop. The only time I thought them OK was when one frustrated expert turned his off.
Sigh. I've been through this so many times before. Why is it people cannot accept the simple reality? To me subwoofers unbalance the sound, full stop. The only time I thought them OK was when one frustrated expert turned his off.

Thing is you just said it above Tarquinh... 'TO YOU subwoofers unbalance the sound...'!!!

If thats your opinion then great; you stick to it but its not everyone elses.

So why dont you stop preaching and let the OP decide. If he's already demo'd one sub with his system and he thinks that it improved the soundstage then great... He just needs to demo more now and decide as to whether its for him or not!

He's asked for advice and he's got some but there's no need to through your doll out of the pram just yet
So you're not a believer in freedom of speech, mr 1979, unless people agree with you. Accept that people do have contrary opinions. That's how it is. Live with it.
Sigh. I've been through this so many times before. Why is it people cannot accept the simple reality? To me subwoofers unbalance the sound, full stop. The only time I thought them OK was when one frustrated expert turned his off.

It might be YOUR reality Tarq but if other people do not observe the same effect as you then there's nothing for them to "accept".

Just because YOU don't like something, doesn't make it universal and you make yourself look unbelievably arrogant when you suggest it does.
Tarquinh:Accept that people do have contrary opinions. That's how it is. Live with it.

Why should he when you don't appear to be able to do the same thing?
Tarquinh:So you're not a believer in freedom of speech, mr 1979, unless people agree with you. Accept that people do have contrary opinions. That's how it is. Live with it.

......and the word for today is: Hypocrite.
thanks guys for the further input.

Tarquinh, beforehand I was anxious about the effect a sub would have re unbalancing the sound etc.

BUT when I tried it I really liked it. You are allowed to give your opinion and I'm grateful as I did ask for it and it is helpful knowing what others think. Its completely fair enough if you don't recommend using a sub, but to me, in my system Id like to have one, the question was just which one.

Thanks Dan and Stig for your views and I'll let you know how I get on with the sub and future upgrades as well with some pictures in the 'your system' section.
Tarquinh:So you're not a believer in freedom of speech, mr 1979, unless people agree with you. Accept that people do have contrary opinions. That's how it is. Live with it.

Hypocrite, much?

Not remotely. Forums are about people expressing differing opinions. By the way, you need to look up the word hypocrite in your dictionary. Had I said I thoroughly endorsed subwoofers, then I would have been a hypocrite.
Tarquinh:So you're not a believer in freedom of speech, mr 1979, unless people agree with you. Accept that people do have contrary opinions. That's how it is. Live with it.

Youre spouting rubbish now Tarquinh

Get over it; nbot everyone wants the same out of a system as you do.

At the end of the day its the OP's choice as to which route he goes down; I was providing him some advice as requested from my own personal experiences

End of chat thank you
Hi jammers,

I think that you're right in wanting a sub. In my (admittedley limited) experience, though, I've found that subs are either great at music and pretty poor at movies, or vice versa. I think in order to get one that does both well, you'd have to spend a lot more money.
d_a_n1979:Tarquinh:So you're not a believer in freedom of speech, mr 1979, unless people agree with you. Accept that people do have contrary opinions. That's how it is. Live with it.Youre spouting rubbish now TarquinhGet over it; nbot everyone wants the same out of a system as you do.At the end of the day its the OP's choice as to which route he goes down; I was providing him some advice as requested from my own personal experiencesEnd of chat thank you
Nor the same one as you, 1979. People do have different opinions, that's what debate is about. I'm happy to bow to your apparently superior knowledge, but does that mean I can't have my own opinions? After all, it isn't me trying to push my opinions on others, quite the reverse, in fact.

But the OP has commented more graciously than perhaps either of us deserve, so I agree with you, let's leave it at that.


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