Naim Uniti System


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Currently looking at upgrades for my current system and longer term requirements. My listening seems to be a combination of 50% CD and 50% lossless from my ipod (depending if I can be bothered to keep getting up and changing CD's).

Having just moved in with my partner and needing a partner friendly system in a limited space I am thinking of scrapping my current system and upgrade plans and opting for a system that will meet my immediate and longer term requirements both for listensing and space.

I have arranged a demo on the Naim Uniti system with Dynaudio X16 excite speakers (and potentially ProAc Studio 115's). To this I am then thinking of adding a Wadia 170 iTransport for iPod playback. Longer term this would also give me the option of streaming music from either a laptop or NAS device.

I can if required still then add a phono output and turntable and if required a seperate Naim Power Supply.

What are other peoples initial impressions on this set-up?
Jason36:I have arranged a demo on the Naim Uniti system with Dynaudio X16 excite speakers (and potentially ProAc Studio 115's). To this I am then thinking of adding a Wadia 170 iTransport for iPod playback. Longer term this would also give me the option of streaming music from either a laptop or NAS device.

Excellent idea and absolutely no need for the Wadia.

The latest (post August 2010) NaimUniti units direct the iPod's digital signal directly into the Uniti's DAC (bypassing the iPod's built in one) via a front panel mounted USB.

All you need is the standard white lead your iPod came with. (The NaimUniti will charge the iPod and enable remote control operation too.)
Sounds very nice but before outlaying that kind of cash I'd seriously consider checking out some AVI 9s.
Sounds like a plan, but as already pointed out, you don't need the Wadia; both the NaimUniti and the UnitiQute will take a direct digital feed from the iPod over the standard USB dock cable.
And will charge it. Sounds bloody great as well. However, I do quite like the neatness of a dock and if you're of the same mind, rather than the Wadia I'd look at the Onkyo ND-S1 or forthcoming Cambridge iD100, which are both somewhat cheaper. I had the Cambridge for beta testing (blog to follow probably) and can confirm its extreme efficacy plugged into a Uniti...
Dryfeld:Sounds very nice but before outlaying that kind of cash I'd seriously consider checking out some AVI 9s.

Certainly a very plausible alternative, though on balance not the one I'd choose personally.
Thanks guys,

I think that system would be a highly capable one with options to upgrade in future and should, I am hoping, provide me with hours of pleasurable listening.

I didnt realise that the new Uniti's bypassed the iPod Dac and that means even less boxes initially. However I do like the neatness of docks John, just keeps everything in its place (I think seeing the iPod plugged into the front mounted USB port would annoy me after a while) . Therefore the Onkyo or CA dock would be a viable cheaper option to the Wadia.

I did consider the AVI route but that means I would still have to buy a seperate CD player and wouldnt give me the benefit of radio included.
JohnDuncan:I'd look at the Onkyo ND-S1 or forthcoming Cambridge iD100, which are both somewhat cheaper. I had the Cambridge for beta testing (blog to follow probably) and can confirm its extreme efficacy plugged into a Uniti...

That iD100 was a long time coming! (Is it a two box set-up as Clare described in 2007?)

Sorry but my curiosity was piqued and a google search for Cambridge Audio iD100 brings up that 2007 blog as the first 'hit'. I have since found the CA 751BD & CA iD100 news item from yesterday.
No it's a dinky little thing with a slightly odd (IMO) sloping front, but it's a *very* solid design, if the pre-prod sample (#1!) was anything to go by.
JohnDuncan:No it's a dinky little thing with a slightly odd (IMO) sloping front, but it's a *very* solid design, if the pre-prod sample (#1!) was anything to go by.

Well I have no more inputs left on my Beresford so does it have a built in DAC?
Any additional suggestions for speakers to potentially gel with the Naim Uniti System?

The speakers will initially be placed on wooden shelves either side of a chimney breast (approximately 4.5 foot to 5 foot apart and approximately 6 inches from the rear wall). Eventually 6 months to 12 months time the speakers will be placed on stands so would ideally like a speaker that is happy sat on a shelf just as much as on stands.

My initial concern is that rear ported speakers will provide a bass that is overwhelming due to their placement. Suggestions so far have been:

Dynaudio X16 Excite

ProAc Studio 115's

Dynaudio Focus 110

I have approximately £1000 to spend on suitable speakers.
Tricky because of the initial shelf plan, as you reognise. Whilst I wouldn't rule out rear-ported speakers (eg PMC DB1i, Neat Motive 3, AVI Neutron V, EB Acoustics EB1), you might be safer with something like the closed-box Spendor SA1.

If you're spending that much money, most dealers will let you take a pair home to try in your proposed location.
JohnDuncan:Tricky because of the initial shelf plan, as you reognise. Whilst I wouldn't rule out rear-ported speakers (eg PMC DB1i, Neat Motive 3, AVI Neutron V, EB Acoustics EB1), you might be safer with something like the closed-box Spendor SA1. If you're spending that much money, most dealers will let you take a pair home to try in your proposed location.

So would you say the SA1 would go well with the Uniti System John.....I thought the Spendors required a fairly powerfull amplifier, something like 100 watts pc. Do you think the 70wpc the uniti has would be sufficient to drive them......and certainly at the moment they woudn't really be pushed to exteremly high volumes.

The dealer I have spoken to suggested Dynaudio X16 excite's and I am aware that they are rear ported and I am afraid of the bass they may produce.
The SA1s would not present any problem for the NaimUniti.

Should be an excellent match.

I concur. If the Marantz MCR603 can drive them really well, then the Uniti will have no probs. I wish I could have afforded the Uniti it but instead I have a poor mans

I own Dynaudio Focus 110 and I must say they are great speakers. having read your thread I thought I should give you a word of warning regarding placement. Dyns need a lot of free space (and I mean A LOT). they have very expansive sound so if they are cramped the image gets blured. Dynaudio suggests 2m wide apart and approx 1m from side walls and rear wall and I must concur on that. if they are too close to rear wall midrange is being overwhelmed by higher bass.

there are some closed back speakers on market like ATCs or EB Acoustic 2s. or alternatively you can plug the rear port with some dense cloth i.e. a teddy bear (I know it sounds silly but it really works and is better than supplied foams 🙂 ) and make the construction essencially closed back rather than ported.

and lastly you shouldn't worrry about power output of the Unity. it's not the Watts that counts most but the capability of amp to deliver current when shaking the drivers. and Naim gear does it well. besides neither Dynaudio nor ATC nor EB Acoustic Nor Spendor speakers have diffiult impendance plots over frequency band, so they are easy loads to drive despite being lowish sensitive.