Not wanting to sound pedantic but it was a £250,000 system (for the preamp, amp and speakers, more for the source components).
I'll probably be shot down for saying this, but I was very disappointed by it. Don't get me wrong, I could appreciate the engineering that went into statement, and the music obviously sounded very clear and detailed but the truth of the matter was, in no way did the system excite me at all! I was much more impressed with the B&W demonstration of its new 600 series with the tiny 686s sounding superb, the stereo image and sound field created was very impressive given its size. What I mean to say is that the much, much cheaper B&W set up with Rotel amp and CD player made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up whereas with the statement system I was left thinking, "is that it"? Same with many other demos, to me especially Primare, Arcam, KEF all sounded fantastic (and others of course).
Of course this is only my opinion and I would never disagree if someone did find the statement system fantastic, perhaps my ears are just not good enough to appreciate the difference!