Naim Nait5i (italic) vs Arcam A85 and P85


Well-known member
May 24, 2008
Does anyone have any opinions on the Nait 5i against the Arcams. I currently have the Arcams and have the Naim CD5i on order. Its almost as if my mind is saying, "2 boxes, integrated and power amps must be better than one nait 5i". Anyone got any experience or opinions on this?

I auditioned the CD5i with the Nait 5i and I found it was amazing. So am currently trying to source a Nait 5i to replace my existing amps.
Two box amplification isn't always better than one.

How are you using the Arcams? Are you bi-amping or just using them as pre and power? Bi-amping will make much more of a difference.

I'm not convinced the Naim can be better, but it is certainly a very different presentation and it might be this that attracts you. I think some lengthy auditions are needed!
I have KEF XQ 40 speakers. My amp is a Luxman 505f and a unison unico cdp. The system is too warm and too much bass. I like a warmer sound (rock music). I'm interested in the Naim xs amp and cd5x cdp. My dealer find Naim and KEF is No Go and advised Marantz. True?
matthewpiano:Two box amplification isn't always better than one.

How are you using the Arcams? Are you bi-amping or just using them as pre and power? Bi-amping will make much more of a difference.

I'm not convinced the Naim can be better, but it is certainly a very different presentation and it might be this that attracts you. I think some lengthy auditions are needed!

Er, I can never remember the terminology, but the P85 drives low range and the A85 drives mid range. Is that bi amped?

See your point thats its not necessarily better. When I auditioned them CD5i and Nait5i I was so impressed with them together. I had been finding my Arcam a little unexciting for quite a while, and the Naims seem just what the doctor ordered.

I am picking up the CD player today - so it will be running with my current amps for a while anyway. Thinking a home trial of the nait against them might be called for, if my dealer is happy to do so.
Does anyone have any opinions on the Nait 5i against the Arcams. I currently have the Arcams and have the Naim CD5i on order. Its almost as if my mind is saying, "2 boxes, integrated and power amps must be better than one nait 5i". Anyone got any experience or opinions on this?

I auditioned the CD5i with the Nait 5i and I found it was amazing. So am currently trying to source a Nait 5i to replace my existing amps.

I don't like Naim's 5i that much and never heard this Arcam combination. I am pretty familiar with the new products of the company though and like the A38 but not the lesser models which, in the greater scheme of things, would probably include the older models you've suggested. Purely a guess though.

What I can tell you is that there is a synergy with Naim's products. No great surprise there. Though as suggested elsewhere, I'd certainly save a little bit more and buy the XS or, if you're happy enough with the Nait5i, consider the soon the Uniti, which essentially is the Naits amp with CD5i inbuilt player (I think it uses upgraded bits closer to the CD5x), a dab tuner and other gobblins for around 2k. Imo a better bet/vfm than a Nait plus CD5i.
Obviously sound is subjective, but based on demonstrations we do instore, the Naim's tend to be more popular. This seems to be because the Naim has a bit more get up and go than the Arcam - the Arcam is more suited to those who like things a little more laid back. The Naim, due to it's design tends to have a better current output, which is capable of driving more awkward speakers than it's direct competitors. I personally would prefer the Nait 5i, which as far as I'm concerned is one of, if not the best, sub £1,000 amplifier.

Peter Pan - while there may be beter suited speakers for your amplification, I don't see any problem with the KEF/Naim pairing. I've done a few dems where Nait 5i and XS's have been used with the XQ series with no problems at all. The Marantz isn't quite going to measure up to the Naim.

Chebby - the basic sound of the 5i and XS aren't that different - obviously there's refinements and more headroom, but Naim has a specific sound. I can only assume the 5i you heard was either badly matched to the speakers, or not warmed up properly.

Naim electronics are far more compatible nowadays than they used to be, and don't really find many speakers that won't work well with them - our customers have bought a variety of manufacturers to go with them, but the most popular has been Proac.

James - nobody has asked which speakers you are using, as this could be the deciding factor.


The Naim Nait XS sounded great. Extremely musical, relaxed, airy with brilliant soundstage and totally engaging and no harshness at all. The whole volume range could be used. (Rega RS1's were the speakers.)
James - nobody has asked which speakers you are using, as this could be the deciding factor.



Hi David, currently using B&W DM603 S3. Which Ive always liked. I will probably end up upgrading them, but for now theyre doing the trick.

I got the player this morning, and ofcourse its not run in yet - but my first impression is good. The main reason I went for the Naim as you mentioned above is the exciting sound. I had a lengthy listen in the shop with their CD5i and Nait 5i setup prior to coming home and comparing to the player with my Arcam amps. While its good, its not as good as the two Naim products paired together (which I guess is inevitable).
I wouldn't say that B&W are the best match for Naim (especially the older stuff), but if it's only a stopgap until your speaker upgrade, they'll work fine.
I wouldn't say that B&W are the best match for Naim (especially the older stuff), but if it's only a stopgap until your speaker upgrade, they'll work fine.

Out of interest - what would you recommend?
matthewpiano:Two box amplification isn't always better than one.

How are you using the Arcams? Are you bi-amping or just using them as pre and power? Bi-amping will make much more of a difference.

I'm not convinced the Naim can be better, but it is certainly a very different presentation and it might be this that attracts you. I think some lengthy auditions are needed!

Er, I can never remember the terminology, but the P85 drives low range and the A85 drives mid range. Is that bi amped?

See your point thats its not necessarily better. When I auditioned them CD5i and Nait5i I was so impressed with them together. I had been finding my Arcam a little unexciting for quite a while, and the Naims seem just what the doctor ordered.

I am picking up the CD player today - so it will be running with my current amps for a while anyway. Thinking a home trial of the nait against them might be called for, if my dealer is happy to do so.

'Unexciting' is an accusation often levelled at Arcam kit so I can understand where you are coming from, as great as it is.

The Nait 5i is a fantastic amplifier in my opinion. I auditioned one at length but couldn't afford it in the end. I'd be looking at speakers by Neat, Epos, Pro-Ac and ATC. One of those will give you the sound you are looking for I'm sure. The Naim certainly deserves much better speakers than the B&Ws.

HOWEVER, so do your Arcam amps. The B&Ws can be rather safe sounding. I think it would be worth trying some better speakers with your current electronics as well. A good pair of Dalis would be well worth trying IMO. I'm sure JoelSim can make further suggestions for getting the best out of your kit.
'Unexciting' is an accusation often levelled at Arcam kit so I can understand where you are coming from, as great as it is.

Dont get me wrong - my Arcam has served me well for many years. Ofcourse theres other factors to changing. The "cos i can" factor, and also as no doubt most people will agree, the enjoyable experience of working out whats next, going to audition some stuff etc!
Neutral is good but a bit of colour makes life a lot more enjoyable.


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