I see you use the Quad 909 with the 165 pre-amp..Have you compared that with the 165/275 combo ?
No, but I've compared it to the NAD C375 which is basically the same thing in one box. As I posted awhile back, I thought the C375 was very good indeed, despite the lackluster WHF review. The depth and control of the bass is shockingly good. I have a few CDs I use to audtion bass quality and one CD in particular, I've found most equipment struggles with and I decided it was just the recording. Until I heard it on the C375... The QUAD 909 is excellent also. There is something about the midrange texture and lushness with the 909 that is special.
As for NAD's looks I think they are more distinctive and interesting than most of the boxes out there. I love their older stuff in particular.
We are in different camps on that one. I don't hate NAD looks, but when I compare it to something like Primare or the new Rotel 15 series, it looks dull and dated to me. I'd pick the Rotel gear for looks everytime. I do think NAD could easily update the looks without much expense, but I don't think they want to. For NAD, that plain box look is a badge of honor. That's part of their charisma. They might come out with a new line, but I really doubt they would ever move away from the plain look for their classic line of 2 channel gear.