NAD c515bee to c545bee and interconnects


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Help please!

I was happy with my NAD c355bee AMP, NAD c515bee CDP, Rega RS5 speakers, and Nordost Blue Heaven Interconnects. But yup I did it, walked into the local audio store, auditioned the c545bee, liked it better than the c515bee, and traded the two.

Since a week has past, the system has become simply too bright. I think the reason is due to my Nordost BHs. Since I'm running a more detailed CD player, the Nordost can relay more information. I'm thinking of switching interconnects to either the Chord Chameleon Silver Plus (as I've heard they're warmer than the Nordost), or the Atlas Voyager All Cu (which I can get for a good deal at a local dealer).

Truthfully I'm kicking myself as I was happy with the c515bee and Nordost BH. Worse comes to worse, I'll regress, but many have suggested I not as they feel (as do I somewhat) the c545bee is far superior to the c515bee.

So my question is two-fold:

1. Do people think the c545bee is a much better player than the c515bee?

2. What interconnect would be my best move from the Nordost BH to reduce brightness? Chord Chameleon? Atlas Voyager?


this sort of relates to my post Advice Needed On Interconnects so I'd be interested to hear what people have to say. I think I have the same problem - upgraded from a pretty basic Nad set up and now things seem a little harsh at the top end.
Not heard the 515BEE to be honest, but I'm currently running a 545BEE with Rotel RA-04SE and Diamond 9.1's with Atlas Equator II i/connect and Chord Silver Screen speaker cables....speakers on Soundstyle Z2i - sounds pretty good to me with good detail and well balanced overall tone.

I had purchased a 545BEE about 10 months ago and never remembered it being bright...On the contrary as many people say i would agree with the expression "rolled off at the high frequencies" even muffled. About a month ago I got it replaced by a new unit same brand same model and it now sounds bright and more annoying to me. Could it be that they changed something in the circuits ? I couldn't possibly tell. It would need someone to get an old and a current model and compare the PCBs, circuits, etc or have an A/B listen.
I don't find the C545BEE bright at all through my C326BEE. I find it to be pretty well balanced actually. Plenty of detail where it is required but a well integrated and involving sound at the same time.

I have been playing around with cables to get the very best out of my kit, and when I switched to some borrowed QED cables the sound was initially more impressive but became tiring in a way that it never does with my Chord Company Crimson interconnect and Rumour 2 speaker cable. I've borrowed a set of Chameleon Silver Plus tonight (which I used to have with an older system), and they really bring the whole thing to life and make a better match to the Rumour 2. The CSP digs up the detail but also promotes a lovely full sound with a real sense of the music coming from real instruments and real musicians. Sibilants and transients, in particular, are much better than with the Crimson (as I experienced when I compared the two on an older system in the past). I'd strongly recommend trying it and will be buying a set myself.
I must recall the above. After a side-by-side comparison, the c545bee is simply better than the c515bee. Some music sounds better on the Nordost Blue Heaven's (Jazz/Classical), some sounds better on the Atlas Voyager All Cu (namely Rock). I purchased Chord Chameleon Silver Plus today and are burning in - they should be the middle-ground. I'll see what happens...

Thanks for the replies!

Nordost definitely has to go. Rega speakers are bright to begin with, and they are not much helped by Nordost. What speaker cables are you using? Nordost as well?

When you finally find balance in your system again, don't change it!
Using Chord Carnival speaker cables.

I grabbed a pair of Chord Chameleon Silver Plus interconnects last night and only with running a break-in CD for 10h, I must say they appear to be the winners. They already are showing the detail and accuracy I was afraid of losing by switching from the Nordost BHs, but without the brightness of the BHs.

I think I've found a winner more shopping!


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