
New member
Jun 8, 2007

This is the NAD C355BEE. I know there's a lot of fans of the C352 and this is the new one. Just to let you know.........
hey where did you get that from its not even on the NAD web site yet...let me know as im really interested in it and it looks more pleasing on the eye too
Its suposably already on sale in holland and switzaland, went on sale in January.
I've just bought one of these and it sounds great. Although I've previously listened to the C352 (and thought it was fantastic) I haven't had the chance to A/B them in the same system so I can't say which is best - the new one or the old one. All I can say at the moment is they're both excellent! I can't wait until the reviews start coming out, that way I'll know if I should have bought the old amp instead!
[quote user="stormbringer"]
I've just bought one of these and it sounds great. Although I've previously listened to the C352 (and thought it was fantastic) I haven't had the chance to A/B them in the same system so I can't say which is best - the new one or the old one. All I can say at the moment is they're both excellent! I can't wait until the reviews start coming out, that way I'll know if I should have bought the old amp instead!


yes i know i carnt wait to hear the reviews..still none on the nad webb site
It will be reviewed in the next issue of audio, german magazine. I'm definitely going to buy the amp.
cypher, as you know i just bought a nad but i have discovered one other thing about the Rs1's.They do not like silver cable on the tweeters.I think you have chord company silver cable don't you? get the same stuff but the non silver plated, and use it on your tweeters either as bi wire or even just making up jumper leads.keep the silver on the woofer.Did it last night.what a difference again.I kept X tube 400 silver plated to midrange and now pure copper x tube 300 to tweeters.toned down the brightness no end.Evan crappy recordings sound listenable now.
I've already sold my RS1 speakers. I'm going to buy the C355 and I am planning to buy the new Epos M5i.
Ewww no... Stay away from Epos... Well thats just my opinion.

You can do hell of alot better than Epos.

Do you definitly want standmount speakers or will you look at floorstanders? The M/A RS5's and RS6's would be a very good match. As i said i listened to the NAD with my mates RS8's and the sound was superb.

B&W 603 S3's or the new 684's would be very good too as would the 685's with good mass-loadable stands.
What's wrong with Epos in your opinion ? I've heard the RS5 and RS6 and it's the same sound as the RS1 I've just sold. So that's out of the question, the RS1 were tiresome to listen to in the long run.

I do not like the 685, boring sound.
word of warning cypher, epos have metal tweeters too. what about the new mission 790's?
Epos - Poor sound, harsh treble sometimes, midrange timing is to be desired and the low end lacks oomph even with powerful amps and i dont like the build

There are better speakers out there for the money.

As Fraziel said the new Missions could be worth looking at. I'd still say B&W and M/A speakers will suit the NAD down to a tee
Thanks for all the suggestions [🙂 I'm definitely going to buy the C355, I'll listen to some speakers also. Can it be that the B&W 685 will sound better on the C355 because it's has 80 watts ? I thought they sounded boring on the Rotel RA-04 but maybe 40 watts isn't enough to drive the speakers.
Make sure that if you do listen to some B&W 685's that they have already been run-in and they are on very good speaker stands which are mass loaded.

When i auditioned the 685's with my Arcam Alpha 9 amp and CDP and with my mates NAD C352 (before he gt the C355) we listened to 2 sets of 685's, one new and one set with 100hours usage & both on Atacama SE20 stands loaded with 7.5kg of atabites in each (we changed each stand weight between 4kg and 8kg and found that 7.5kg was bang on for the room we were in, fussy i know haha)

The difference was chalk and cheese!!!

The run-in 685's with the C352 sounded fantastic. We listened a low volume and they did sound a little light but then when the volume was at about 9 o'clock, they came to life all the way up to 11 o'clock. Between 10 and 11 o'clock they were awsome. The power was unbelievable and they made his B&W 603 S2's sound naff!!! The bass was deep and sublime, treble was crisp and the midrange timing was spot on. They sapped up the NADs power and spat it out with avengance!

The new 685's were bloody awful, but to be honest we kinda expected that. They sounded hollow and lifeless until they were turned up fairly loud, which isnt a good idea with new speakers.

If your budget can stretch, i know youll like the 684's as well! I'd also say try auditioning the RS6's and RS8's too. You'll be surprised how good they sound with the NAD C355. I was!!!
[quote user="Cypher"]
Thanks for all the suggestions [🙂 I'm definitely going to buy the C355, I'll listen to some speakers also. Can it be that the B&W 685 will sound better on the C355 because it's has 80 watts ? I thought they sounded boring on the Rotel RA-04 but maybe 40 watts isn't enough to drive the speakers.

could be. i thought that. even so,the 686's were still not that good at moderate volume on a roksan kandy! Shame you sold the Rs1's as mine have a treble just as toned down as my mates BR1's now that i put copper cable to the tweeters. He thinks even more so in fact.I think silver cable with RS1's tweeters was just a big no no. I do like the look of the epos though and would take them over b&w any day.
[quote user="stormbringer"][quote user="northantsbloke34"]

Seen it here for a good price


That's where I bought mine from. Drove down to collect it but he mails out at that price too! Bargain as most places are charging £50 more.

it was £300 there a couple of weeks ago.the price has gone up.If it was still £300 i would have bought one instead of a c352.
[quote user="Fraziel"][quote user="stormbringer"][quote user="northantsbloke34"]

Seen it here for a good price


That's where I bought mine from. Drove down to collect it but he mails out at that price too! Bargain as most places are charging £50 more.

[/quote] it was £300 there a couple of weeks ago.the price has gone up.If it was still £300 i would have bought one instead of a c352.[/quote]

He must have got the price wrong at £300, he's a one man band. How can a man in a small shop charge £100 less than the competition and offer free courier delivery?? I don't understand how he can undercut the competition by £50 to be honest.


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