NAD C326bee Disappointment


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Well after all the hype of the NAD C326bee I purchased one and I am pretty disappointed. Compared to my old set up (20 year old tube hybrid gear) it just sounds flat. It seems to sound confused on complex material and has no real warnth, depth, smoothness, or openess I was expecting. Sounds very one Dimensional. I though after 20 since my old system, technology would have trickled down somewhat. I did also replace my 20 year old KEF Reference 102's with new KEF IQ30. I wonder if that is contributing. Again, I would think that a new pair of KEF's would sound better than a 20 year old referece pair. My assumtion would be that my disapointment is due more to the amp then the speakers...any thoughts?

Am I just expecting too much, or does anyone else feel the same about this amp. I mean it sounds OK in a mid fi sense, but it's NO giant killer.

Did you audition first?

I've made this mistake twice believe it or not - just going on reviews and I ended up disappointed.

Always, always audition first. Can you not return/exchange it? Please attempt this - rather lose a few quid than remain disillusioned.
For a start the Kef 102s are way better than the IQ series, which are budget range compared to the Reference series. Secondly, the 326 is a budget model and won't compare with tube-based equipment. What amp are you using?
It's not the amp. You've created an impossible expectation. I have a similar amp and my system sounds brilliant. And it's not because I don't know how good KEF Reference sounds as I owned KEF Reference 103-3s for many years.

Haven't heard the IQ30's, but lately KEF's budget lines are not winning too many people over. They've definately lost their edge...

I suspect if you were to get new speaker cable, interconnects, and stands you'd be happier. Also, don't underestimate the importance of a good CDP. Believe me, if you are using a 20 year old interconnect and you replace it with a chord crimson, you will be pleased.

If you can trade the KEF's for MA BR2's or DALI Lektor 2's they are similarly priced but more highly regarded...

A modern peer of the KEF's your replacing would be the ATC SCM 11 for £850.
jaxwired, the problem is that the OP has replaced mid to highend equipment with budget gear and expects the same level of performance. It ain't going to happen. Cables aren't going to make any difference if the items they're connecting haven't got it in the first place. And yes, I suspect the amp replacement has added to the disappointment.

But well spotted: meant to ask about the source!
I could understand upgrading after 20 years to gear that is
comparable in price and level to what you are used to, but you have
gone for what most people consider to be good budget equipment.

Why not a better/more modern amp and speakers that are comparable in quality?

Prima Luna Prologue 2 and Spendor S3/5R for instance.

Or Leema Xero speakers and Leema Pulse amp?

(I assume from your old gear you are into a nice warm, detailed and 3D sound.)

In fact after 20 twenty years I assume you must love this gear, so (given it still works) then why change at all?
Tarquinh:jaxwired, the problem is that the OP has replaced mid to highend equipment with budget gear and expects the same level of performance. It ain't going to happen. Cables aren't going to make any difference if the items they're connecting haven't got it in the first place. And yes, I suspect the amp replacement has added to the disappointment.

I guess that's where we disagree. I believe that a budget system can sound crazy good. But you must pay attention to every detail.

Give me a NAD 326, NAD 545, B&W CM1, good stands, chord crimson, chord silverscreen, and serious attention to room acoustics and placement I think most people would be amazed.
jaxwired, the problem is that the OP has replaced mid to highend equipment with budget gear and expects the same level of performance. It ain't going to happen. Cables aren't going to make any difference if the items they're connecting haven't got it in the first place. And yes, I suspect the amp replacement has added to the disappointment.

But well spotted: meant to ask about the source!

With all due respect, how do you know the OP's old amplifier is 'high end'? I can't see him mentioning any particulars. Is it just because it involves tubes? Not all products are created equally ...

As to the OP, I too wonder whether he bothered to listen to the amp before purchasing ... but apart from probably being used to a certain sound for a while (he did'nt say how long he had the stuff) reliability and/or servicability may become an issue sooner or later anyhow so preparing for a change is probably not a bad thing.
Drummerman, the speakers alone say a lot. The KEF Reference series was just that, mid to high end. And great speakers, too, I should add. The replacements are nowhere near the same level. My guess is, given the vintage of said speakers, anything involving tubes at that time wasn't going to be cheap either. I like NAD gear, but the one mentioned (and the one I have) are definitely down the budget end.

EDIT: but I stand corrected: the op doesn't mention the amp by name.

jaxwired, I have Sonus Faber Minimas running off a NAD C320BEE, so I know what you mean, and I'm happy with the system. However, I have heard my speakers off a Unico, and the difference was stunning. The CM1s are terrific speakers, by the way. Would have bought them but got unexpectedly lucky on ebay.
ear:Who was the forum member that got the iq30's and loves them?

How about letting the amp run in for a while- or maybe you have?. New Hifi requires a running in period- don't they?
To answer some questions;

I did not listen.....stupid
I had Hi End gear, Audio Research LS1 pre-amp, Lazarus/Hafler XL280 tube hybrid rebuild and ofcourse, KEF Ref 102.
Why replace, well after 20 years and not listening too much the past several years, I felt I'd just make a change for the sake of making a change. I did think that 20 newer gear would be "better" then it sounds. I'd figure maybe I'd get 80 or 90 percent of the sound which I could live with consider the time I spend listening. What Im suprised that it's not even close.

I would really think that speakers would have improved over 20 years, but the consensous seems to be that 20 year old kefs are better then least the IQ30's. Can't afford their entry level reference these days.
dberk:I had Hi End gear, Audio Research LS1 pre-amp, Lazarus/Hafler XL280 tube hybrid rebuild and ofcourse, KEF Ref 102.
AR valve amps and KEF Reference speakers are not that easily bettered (even after 20 years). I cannot comment on the Lazarus Haffler but I assume it was of a comensurate level of quality.
Asking a budget amp and budget speakers (even good ones) to match or better such equipment is a tall order.
To answer some questions;

I did not listen.....stupid
I had Hi End gear, Audio Research LS1 pre-amp, Lazarus/Hafler XL280 tube hybrid rebuild and ofcourse, KEF Ref 102.
Why replace, well after 20 years and not listening too much the past several years, I felt I'd just make a change for the sake of making a change. I did think that 20 newer gear would be "better" then it sounds. I'd figure maybe I'd get 80 or 90 percent of the sound which I could live with consider the time I spend listening. What Im suprised that it's not even close.

I would really think that speakers would have improved over 20 years, but the consensous seems to be that 20 year old kefs are better then least the IQ30's. Can't afford their entry level reference these days.
I just did. Definately improved the sound much. More bloom, open and warm. Amp still leaves me empty a bit though.
Yeah, I was refering to my origional KRF Reference 102's. They did improve the sound quite a bit. The IQ30's just sound thin, unenvolving and somewhat bright in comparison. However, the IQ30 do seem to have a little more detail, but at the expense of the mentioned brightness and smaller sound. I prefer the 102's much more and will have to find a new home for the IQ30's. So, should I have left well enough alone, probably. I suppose after going through this exercise, I will have to spend quite a bit more for an equivelant or better monitor then my reference 102s which sold for $890pr in the 80's. As for amp with the speakers, definate improvement, but I'll still need to find an amp that is smoother and bigger sounding. Any suggestions are appriciated. I've always judged the quality of a setup with piano. On my old set up, the harmonics and tones were sweet, natural. open and easy, like a live piano. With the NAD, it's small and brittle.
Try the Unison Research Unico series of amplifiers. They're a hybrid which use tubes in the input stage and should suit your Kefs well. If you want a different sound presentation closer to the current fashion(pacy, detailed etc) try the Naim Nait 5i or XS.


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