stanleyk:I'd say erring on the side of alternative/indie/rock, particularly instrumental rock (mogwai etc), with the occasional jazz thrown in. I had toyed with 9.1's, waiting to see if the 10.1 emerge in the uk. How do the 9.1 fair with such music?
well i'm listening to radiohead now and it sounds good. for rock i'd advise against the mordaunt shorts, they are very revealing, and can be unforgiving on poorly recorded/mastered music, really showing up the flaws, i'd say rock is the biggest culprit for such poor recording (even big name bands). But, put a very good recording through them however and they really shine and can impress greatly.
amongst my friends opinions are very devided on the 902i's. some love them, some hate them with a passion. bit of a marmite one me thinks. also, how bothered are you about looks? the 75th anniversary edition of the 9.1's are stunning for the price, with real wood veneer and vinatge style grey grill cloth. they look far nicer than the 902i in my opinion.
also, how will you listen to the system? sat in the perfect listening position with them set up perfectly? or whilst doing other things? i'd say the 9.1's are more forgiving of being out of the perfect position, both they system and your self.
have you got the opportunity to audition a pair? it's something you really should do.