NAD C320BEE - Speaker suggestions?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm currently putting together my first hi-fi together, on a budget. I'm looking to spend £200 on some speakers, floorstanders or standmounts, new, or second hand.

I prefer a warm but also detailed sound, if you know what I'm getting at.

I'm having fun putting it together but I would like some advice from "those in the know".

Keep it simple. These NADs are happiest with budget speakers and the best match I can suggest is the Mordaunt-Short MS902is which, after being run in, will give you plenty of detail and drive without ever sounding too bright. Its a very good match.

Alternatively, try the Monitor Audio BR2s, but you won't get the same sense of openess from these.
I have read that the 902 can be a little bright? I too have the 320bee and am currently tinkering to get the warm sound of the op, of which one thing may be some new speakers. Is this a tried and tested combination?

Its only 'tried and tested' when you've heard it with your own ears!!

I've found the combination works well (I've still got a C325BEE and some 902i in the study) and I wouldn't describe it as bright sounding, just detailed and lively. Good at low volumes as well. They do need running in properly though. Out of the box they do sound bright and need at least 50 hours to really break in properly.

If you like a much warmer sound, try the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s which are another good match, although they sound slightly veiled to me with NAD amplification. The MAs would be a good halfway house between the two.
matthewpiano:Its only 'tried and tested' when you've heard it with your own ears!!I've found the combination works well (I've still got a C325BEE and some 902i in the study) and I wouldn't describe it as bright sounding, just detailed and lively. Good at low volumes as well. They do need running in properly though. Out of the box they do sound bright and need at least 50 hours to really break in properly.If you like a much warmer sound, try the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s which are another good match, although they sound slightly veiled to me with NAD amplification. The MAs would be a good halfway house between the two.

i've got a 325bee (almost the same). using it with the wharfedale diamond 9.1's at the mo, very nice sound. i also own some mordaunt short speakers (avant 916i) which are floor standers but with same components as the 902i. if you are sensitive to bright sounds, and really dont like it, stay away from mordaunt short, they have metal tweeters which will sound bright no matter how long you run them in IMO. i much prefer the sound of the NAD with the diamond 9.1's. not quite as much detail as with the mordaunt shorts but a far smoother and more pleasurable sound. i spent 8 hours listening to loud music on the set up yesterday, with no sign of fatigue. that wouldnt happen with mordaunt shorts, i find the brightness very tiring.

what styles of music do you listen to?
I'd say erring on the side of alternative/indie/rock, particularly instrumental rock (mogwai etc), with the occasional jazz thrown in. I had toyed with 9.1's, waiting to see if the 10.1 emerge in the uk. How do the 9.1 fair with such music?
stanleyk:I'd say erring on the side of alternative/indie/rock, particularly instrumental rock (mogwai etc), with the occasional jazz thrown in. I had toyed with 9.1's, waiting to see if the 10.1 emerge in the uk. How do the 9.1 fair with such music?

well i'm listening to radiohead now and it sounds good. for rock i'd advise against the mordaunt shorts, they are very revealing, and can be unforgiving on poorly recorded/mastered music, really showing up the flaws, i'd say rock is the biggest culprit for such poor recording (even big name bands). But, put a very good recording through them however and they really shine and can impress greatly.

amongst my friends opinions are very devided on the 902i's. some love them, some hate them with a passion. bit of a marmite one me thinks. also, how bothered are you about looks? the 75th anniversary edition of the 9.1's are stunning for the price, with real wood veneer and vinatge style grey grill cloth. they look far nicer than the 902i in my opinion.

also, how will you listen to the system? sat in the perfect listening position with them set up perfectly? or whilst doing other things? i'd say the 9.1's are more forgiving of being out of the perfect position, both they system and your self.

have you got the opportunity to audition a pair? it's something you really should do.
With those tastes I'd try to get some Monitor Audio BR2s, second hand if necessary. I think they'd suit you down to the ground - nice warm sound with plenty of muscle and decent detail. I think you might find the 9.1s a little woolly with that music.
You could try for a pair of Dali lektor 1's i tryed them with the NAD326BEE and was impressed.
also, the mordaunt shorts and wharefedales are only 2 suggestions. maybe some other people can advise on more options, maybe some 2nd hand ones within your budget too.
I agree with a few other posts on here that rate the Diamond 9.1. There almost untouchable at the price, and certinaly in the build quality stakes. They will give you the detail that you are after, but they also deliver great bass.....not sloppy...just a strong controlled sound.

You can also try out the Diamond 9.2.....I picked up a paor of these on Ebay for 150 quid. Same as the 9.1's but a bigger box and mid driver. So you get the same detail (give or take), but the sound is a little bigger and driven.

Either of these two though...just brilliant - they pretty much destory everything else in there class...and wouldn't be out of place among speakers worth alot more.

Obviously though.....go test them out..
Stevie_Blaze:You could try for a pair of Dali lektor 1's i tryed them with the NAD326BEE and was impressed.

Very good call. Will cost a bit more, but leave the Wharfedales and the Mordaunt-Short 902s standing in every respect, very good though both of those are. Lektors make a great match with NAD kit.
Fingers crossed my name gets drawn on this months WHF comp then!

As far as listening position I would say I am in anything but perfect, room does not allow for anything different. Bedroom with space on long edge for stereo and speakers with bed perpednicular, and not direct in front of, speakers. I guess shelling out too much on something like the Dali may not be worth it until I find myself with a space that suits?

Going to try copper cable, single run, to replace my qed silve rbi wire, a cheap look at how that may effect it too

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated
No Lektor 1's. They won't leave the Wharfedale Diamonds / MS 902 in standing in any respect.....mainly because of there lack of bottom end - there quite trebble orientated and certainly don't sound warm, as the post as asked for. I listend to them when getting my speakers just last week actually.......They are however detail and worth a listen, but I don't reckon there a good choice for someone who is wanting a warm sound.

Plus if your English....get the the flag! ; )
Try the Dali Lektor 2. I've heard them with the new C326BEE amp and they work great together.
It sounds like you would get on well with MA BR2's, they have masses of presence and power, great for rock music.


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