NAD C316BEE Amp & Boston CR67 + Swan MKII


New member
Aug 10, 2019
So I am setting up a new sound system to connect with the PC.

Main use will be VOIP,Music and movies.
The speakers will also be used for gaming but surround performance is not that important for me.
On rare occasions these will be used for a small house party

The sound system will be connected with a pc and xfi-extreme gamer soundcard.

The options I have are:

M200MkII Active Speakers

These will cost me 385 Euros (including shipping)



C316BEE amp and CR67 speakers
(Local buy)

These will cost me 467Euros but I can buy them with wholesale where they will cost me 374Euros




If you want you can also spec me a system.My budget is around 300 - 400 Euros (including shipping to Malta)

Any suggestions what hifi?
Np Andrew.Thanks for the reply.Maybe someone else can help me.
I own the NAD C316 AND the Boston CR67s. I have been a Boston fan forever. They are classic high value for low price speakers. The CR67s are gems IMO. This speaker sounds big and has just the right balance with bags of detail. Excellent speaker in the super budget arena. You have to like a forward sound to like these speaker though. But they are very attacking with a lively sound that is extremely engaging. I think the NAD 316 with teh CR67s is a superb budget setup.
Thanks for the reply jax 🙂

Whats best is that I can buy them local and with a wholesale price of 387Euros for both the amp and speakers.

With the nad amp can I connect 3 more speakers and go for a surround sound setup or 2.1 ?Does it support fiber optic connection?Might install the front panel extension of my xfi again

I listen to electronic music and rock mostly (Dub,Dnb,Ambient)
Buying the Nad amp and boston speakers.

Any suggestions on how I should set my settings on the xfi-extreme gamer?


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