NAD 325BEE Headphones Socket Problem...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I bought the above amp recently and the headphones socket only outputs one channel, I have tried using various headphones, all using an adapter from the 3.5mm to the bigger one on the amp.


Is it possible it's the adapter? What should I do? 
You dont say if the amp is new or 2nd hand

Sounds like it COULD be the adapter...(common to all phones you have tried)..are you able to try phones with a 1/4 in jack??

Until you can eliminate (or confirm) the adapter or try 1/4 jack phones you are a bit stuck. What happens when you rotate the adapter in the socket......

Cleaning all plugs will also help to discount possible dirty connections. If the amp is not new its possible that the input socket is dirty or defective and you will need a special cleaner to get inside and clean it unless you are happy to open up and fiddle from the inside.
Hi, the amp is brand new, I don't own any 1/4 phones, and I have cleaned the adapter and the phones are new too so not dirty.

I suppose I'll have to buy another adapter to see! 🙁

I hope it's not defective......ÿ
Pmaninit:I bought the above amp recently and the headphones socket only outputs one channel... ...What should I do?

Take it back. Get one that works.
chebby:Pmaninit:I bought the above amp recently and the headphones socket only outputs one channel... ...What should I do?

Take it back. Get one that works.

Maybe it does and its the adapter thats knacked
chebby:Pmaninit:I bought the above amp recently and the headphones socket only outputs one channel... ...What should I do?Take it back. Get one that works.


I got the very last one in store!

Richer sounds, they did have one ex-demo too...

I don't think they are going to get any more! I'm calling them right now, no answer as yet...ÿÿ
some of the adaptors are rubbish and the ear phones go in to far or not far enough even though they feel they are in properly only giving one channel - try pulling the earphones out a tiny fraction and see if you get two channel or whether the sound swaps channels then its def the adaptor
matengawhat:some of the adaptors are rubbish and the ear phones go in to far or not far enough even though they feel they are in properly only giving one channel - try pulling the earphones out a tiny fraction and see if you get two channel or whether the sound swaps channels then its def the adaptor


Hi, that was great advice - it worked, it goes too far in, so I'll get a new one. Thanksÿÿ


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