My first hi-fi set


New member
Aug 10, 2019

going to buy my first set...being looking around, reading up and it is pretty confusing...So will appreciate input and advice

Basically I will like to play my vinyls (have a portable Vestax currently, but will upgrade when cash grows) and digital music (.wav) off my iPod; as well as CDs eventually (when I can buy one too)...I am not exactly an audiophile, but like good music and sounds...Cannot really take bad quality download music...

Am looking at entry level set that I can build on eventually...

Currently, have been offered a Rotal RA 04 and a set of Paradigm Anthem or Mini Monitor, or Focal Chorus 705Vfor about 1200 Singapore dollars (that's where I am staying currently)...That is about 550 to 600 pounds, which is slightly above my budget, but bearable...Seen some well priced Monitor Audio, like a pair of Silver RX 1 or BR 2...RX 1 is slightly beyond my budget...

After reading all the reviews, I am going to look for the Rotel RA 04SE (but not sure if it is in Singapore as yet)...Or should I stay with the RA 04 or go for a Marantz PM 6007?

I am bias towards the Monitor Audio speakersat the moment, but have being reading up that the B&W 603, Q Acoustic 2010 and Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 are great too...

So what is a good pairing to start to build from? Will love to hear which CD player and turntable I should go towards when I can afford them...Thanks Patrick
The Rotel RA04 or the SE version are both good amps and they'd do very well with the likes of the Monitor Audio RX1's or the B&W 685's. Even the M/A BR2's would be a good fit IMO

As for CDP's I think the likes of the Marantz 6003 or the NAD C545BEE would be a good option

It'd be handy to know what music you generally listen to
Go for Focal 706V, it is a huge step up from the 705 and they sound much better than B&W 685s or Monitor Audio BR2s. It pairs well with Rotel RA-04.
Hey d_a_n1979,

thanks for info...I listen to a range of music - from Vashti Bunyan,, Echo & the Bunymen, The Cure, Bob Dylan, Animal Collective, Mar Volta, Flaming Lips to Wagner and Sunn, Boris, Andrew Bird style of music...Only thing I don't listen to is gospel styled, Saw, Atkins & Watermen type...Any further recommendation especially for vinyls listening?

Btw, what is the good price difference for a RA04 vs an SE?

thanks! will check if they have a 706, not sure if the price is beyond my reach...
Hey LukasM

how does the PM6003 sound with other speakers...worry that RX 1 is slightly beyond current budget...unless can get the Marantz at good cost...

It's more for vinyl listening currently...any idea how the CD6003 pair up with the RA04 or SE?
Just came across Q 2010...Wondering how they pair with Marantz PM6007 or RA04SE...
Bought an old Advent Small Loudspeakers...Any suggestion which intergrated amp goes well with it? Am still thinking the Rotel RA04SE...

Please advised as am new to this...Thanks Patrick
As a lot of folk will advise you; if you can, get down to a proper hi-fi dealer. Usually, any such outlet worth its salt will be very happy to allow you time to demo/audition using any of your kit you wish to take along with their in-stock equipment. A good thing about the hi-fi specialists (and this may provoke some comment) is that they can afford to spend time with you because they are seldom snowed under by customers clamouring for attention.

As I posted yesterday, I spent over 2hrs at the Sound Academy in Bloxwich without spending a single penny. No problem. I am welcome back any time to demo. They appreciate those of us who are interested and want to share experience, knowledge and to listen to anything different or new. Make an appointment that is mutually convenient and you will have a most enjoyable (and hopefully helpful) time.
Thanks ESP 2009...sadly back in Spore, not many are helpful...with exceptions of course!
just a suggestion... last month, Rotel agent is having sale in Adelphi, they are clearing the old range.. you may wanna go take a look, they are on the 4th floor. For speaker wise, Wharfedale 10.1 is good and doesn't price high. Wharfedale has been making speakers way before other brands that you've mentioned. For established performance on almost all of their Cd players, it's Marantz. You are in a country that has got the best price for Marantz products; ppl from oversea flock in to buy Marantz. Best price is at the basement of Sim Lim Square, the shop is at the corner of the building. While you are at the Marantz shop, remember to pop by next door(Wharfedale shop) to check out the Chord cables and Atlas interconnect.

Btw, remember to spend time auditioning the amp. Try not to get caught up with the sales pitch and buy impulsively. Since your main concern is on vinyl, politely ask the Rotel shop owner to hook up their turntable (they are agent for Thorens turntable) to audition the Rotel amp.
Thanks Hachi!

Going to check it out later...Yup sounds good the amp...I am pairing it up with an Advent I picked up second hand...

And for CD players, am looking for a used one ideally...If you know of anyone selling one, let me know! Thanks...Patrick
2nd hand speakers are alright, but not for CD player. My advise is to get a new CD player. There are just too many "temporary fix" refurbished CD players in our local market. Just get a Marantz CD5001, CD6002 or even the new model CD6003. If you are on a budget, put a hold on your CD player and set up your amp to play vinyl for the moment. And yes, you need speaker stand.


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