Musical fidelity system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
1st time I have ever been on a forum-hope it I get some decent responses! I will be frank, my hi-fi set up does my head in. After years hoping to get my hands onto a good system I still haven't got there......The long and short is that the sound is a tad shrill for my taste - I suffer from listener fatigue, i.e. I always want to turn it down after a certain point or alternately put something else on in the hope it sounds better, more listenable. At worst I lose my interest and don't put anything on. I have difficult playing Bruce Springsteen or REM or any rock number. On a jazz number the horns on a Miles Davis number, say from A KInd Of Blue, are too bright. On a Classical piece the brightness can be exposed further on the more complicated moments in a symphony for example.

On a positive note if I listen to say an acoustic based album, say Nebraska, at 10.30 am on the volume dial, the system, to an extent, sings.Anyway on the whole my system is a tad shrill as I said. Don't get me wrong in certain moments the sytem can sound good and there is an initial 'wow' factor if I turn it up at the beginning of any piece...but....! I have never had anyone who has come round and said 'your system sounds good'. Apart from my own personal enjoyment from my hifi this is always a kind of litmus test.

It is paramount to me how a system looks in my living room as I have to look at it every day of my life. So I have to admit I was influenced by the looks of the new MF range a few years back. I got the MF 3.5 CD player and matching amp. I plumped with the Quad 12L speakers. My interconnect is a good qed but the speaker cable is their basic one. The speakers are on good stands and the room is about 5m2. I am looking for a warm glowing sound that is airy to boot! How do I get that?

I keep on thinking that as the speakers cost half of their respective siblings that here lies the problem and that it isn't the MF but the speakers that I should change. I would consider ANY advice and I am open to changing my ENTIRE set up if necessary although in a stupid sentimental way I would prefer to maybe hang on to my CD player and amp. So, I would be grateful if any of you out there can enlighten me. But please don't go down that route of saying I would like Valve amps and all the rest of it.
I'd be inclined to hang on to the MF gear and look at some speaker alternatives. Definately request a home demo though - you should find a good few dealers who can offer this service.
Have you got any soft furnishings in your listening room?, harsh sound could be caused by reflections from wooden flooring and bare walls.
I should have added that the room is rather bare and with marble/granite floors albeit with rugs. I am not going to get fixated with changing the room however as my life is complicated enough.

I am using MF pre and power amps and DAC. The X-series with a Marantz CD6000 CD player. Similar to you, I adore the unique style of MF and very reluctant to let go of them. Been using them since 1999. However, after moving nto a bigger house, I find that the music was not as sweet as before. So, a few weeks back, I came in this forum and most of them here suggested for me to change my speakers. I was using Mission bookshelf speakers M31 if I am not mistaken. At first, was looking for sub 1000 GBP speakers but just before purchasing the speakers, my CD player went kaput. So had to split the budget between a new CD player and speakers. So I bought Epos M12.2 speaker after comparing with a few and also Marantz CD6002. Now the music is sweet again with some added bass.

So, I think you should check out a few speakers to suit yr MF set up. ATC, Epos to name some.
An other option is to try some smoother interconnects like Van Den Hul. . . this would certainly take the edge off.

I use a variety ofÿdifferentÿcables in my own system to get the most out of each component. . .


bengoodall:I should have added that the room is rather bare and with marble/granite floors albeit with rugs. I am not going to get fixated with changing the room however as my life is complicated enough.

That could well be the problem. Room acoustics exert a massive influence on sound. Bare rooms can = harsh acoustics. Could you try setting your system up in another, well funished room just as an experiment. Irecently did this and was astounded by the difference.
Just adding my two penneth re room acoustics. I have solid floors, bare walls and a big window with very few soft furnishings albeit for curtains and a rug. My room is 12ft by just over 17ft. I also have a large radiator and gas fire...I too found a massive difference in sound from my previous house lounge set up.

I cured it by chaging my Mission floorstanding speakers (which were just too darn fatiguing!) mounting my Atacama stands on patio slabs (on a carpet tile to avoid scratching the floor! can also slide the whole speaker/stand assembly around for optimum positioning) I also...and I take your comments re esoteric..cover the radiator and gas fire (OF COURSE WHEN THEY'RE NOT "ON" AND THE WIFE IS OUT!!!) with old blankets...This may seem extreme but for a serious listening session I found it "softens" the acoustics and tightens the base...To my ears anyhow.
Thanks-I always intend to try changing at least my speaker cable, so I'll look at Van den hul.
Looking at the lounge now I am pretty sure you are right. It isn't ideal to say the least. I have tried experimenting by putting the the stands directly on the rug-no real difference though. The walls are not in good nic' and there is a high ceiling to boot!
thanks for your comments. I meant to say in my last comment that mocing my hifi to another room is a non starter, unfortunately.
I notice you have a Linn Axis turntable. I live in Italy so I left mine when I came over and my vinyl of course. I always think it will be too costly to bring it all over. So it all gathers dust at my parents! I miss vinyly though, the sound more than anything. BTW I had a Meridian 206B b4 my MF 3.5. What a lovely Cd player it was - even the gorgeous smell that when the CD drawer was open. I can smell it now! I might say that the sound bettered my MF also?!
The marble floor may well be contributing, so if I were you I would go for new speakers that didn't have any metal in the tweeters. Perhaps would be better to ask a hifi retailer and see what he suggests. It is obvious you want a decent system if you have MF.
Cheers for your message. I like your setup. Arcam are a great company and there FMJ is top drawer. I agree with you about the marble floors. I have tried placing the stands on the thick-ish woollen rug we have in the lounge. Made zero difference mind. your dali 6 are a step up from my quads and i bet they sing more sweetly. The thing that gets me is the initial outlay of my set up, although relative, is expensive - £2650 - and for me the sound doesn't reward your wallet. My hifi retailer, I am in Italy, will not know which of his speakers doesn't have a metal tweeter. I am sure !
I have to say my Dali 6 are possibly the best purchase I've made, ex demo at £650 and they are beautiful speakers in every way. Never ever get fatigue and I have Victorian floorboards in a relatively small room.


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