Musical Fidelity A1 Class A Amp - Value?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have one of the above and intend to sell it. I know it is a well respected model but cannot find any examples for sale online to give me a guide valuation. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience about the A1 (original model with a 2 piece heatsink) and could give me their thoughts?


Er, were you at a table top sale on Saturday with your hifi setup? Did a tall chap approach you and point out that the A1 amp you were selling was worth a lot more than you were asking?
idc, I have to ask the question on everyone's mind: why didn't you just splash the cash then put the thing on Audiogon and ebay??
idc:Er, were you at a table top sale on Saturday with your hifi setup? Did a tall chap approach you and point out that the A1 amp you were selling was worth a lot more than you were asking?


"The swallows migrate at dusk my friend. Don't tell anyone we met. Oh, and that amp is worth way more than a tenner. My name? Just call me idc: It's better that way."
Tarquinh:idc, I have to ask the question on everyone's mind: why didn't you just splash the cash then put the thing on Audiogon and ebay??

I did ask if the amp was for sale separately, but the chap said no and I don't need a speaker amp. So I told him that I was sure the A1 was worth at least £100 and probably more. It needed a dust, but other than that it was in very good condition and he said that it worked fine.

Mrsimit, was it you?!!!!!
idc, yes it was I 🙂

Many thanks again for your advice and honesty yesterday - you could have had the lot for £40, dumped the rest and made a tidy profit!

As my system has had little use over the last 15 years, I fired it up again today, just to make sure everything was working fine before sticking it on ebay. I had forgotten just how good the sound quality was and will be the sadder to see it go.

Thanks to the other repliers too, I will look to list the amp on its own now and be more hopeful of a 3 figure sale.

idc:I did ask if the amp was for sale separately, but the chap said no and I don't need a speaker amp. So I told him that I was sure the A1 was worth at least £100 and probably more. It needed a dust, but other than that it was in very good condition and he said that it worked fine.
Whether you needed the amp or not is immaterial. You missed the chance of making a few quid.

Next time you see something like that, say nothing, whip out the wallet and do what our nation is best at!
But good on him for not and doing what's fair!

(Even if I have snagged a bargain or two in the past!)
idc, you are welcome round at my house for a chat and a cuppa anytime. You are a gentleman.

Giving someone sound advise rather than profiting
off there ignorance, how nice.
Good point, idc, but you had the chance to make 3, possibly 4 people happy by the selfless act of buying the A1 and flogging it for a profit, rather than just 1.

Consider the following:

You pay the seller the £40 or whatever it was. He's happy, because that's the price he wanted.

You sell the DAC on ebay and make £150. You're happy, and can take your partner out to a lovely meal, so that's another person happy.

Finally, of course, there's the buyer who's happy because he got what he wanted at a decent price.

Opportunity missed, I'd say
As it stands, mrsimit is happy, my wife is proud of me, I am happy and someone will get happy with a MF A1 amp off ebay and the headphones I am watching on ebay are still 99p.
Good point, idc, but you had the chance to make 3, possibly 4 people happy by the selfless act of buying the A1 and flogging it for a profit, rather than just 1. Well not really.

Consider the following:

You pay the seller the £40 or whatever it was. He's happy, because that's the price he wanted.He's now even happier because it's worth more than he thought.

You sell the DAC on ebay and make £150. You're happy, and can take your partner out to a lovely meal, so that's another person happy.mrsimit can still do that with his partner.

Finally, of course, there's the buyer who's happy because he got what he wanted at a decent price.And the buyer's still happy.

Opportunity missed, I'd say
Not everyone feels the need to make a few quid at every given opportunity-Sometimes it's just nice to be nice.

So 3 people are still happy. Fair play to Ian,i say.
Oh for heaven's sake! You people are as dry as dust.



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