Hi I am thinking about getting a music server to play music stored on my pc thru my Hi Fi setup and have internet radio capabilties. The Pc is in another part of the house so I couldn't connect the pc direct to the amp via a top dollar audio card unless i run a very long cable from pc to amp through 2 walls, and across the hall. Missus would have a fit. Hence the music server. My Hi Fi consists of: Cambridge Audio 540R V3 (primarily a HC AV amp but excellent with music - may still get 540A v2 though), Cambridge Audio 540c, Cambridge Audio 640P, Pink Triangle Turntable, Acoustic Energy Neo 3's. As you can tell i went for the Cambridge Audio setup, not purposly mind you. I knew that musically, they were very good back in the day and still has a very good name so i to listen to them and ended up buying. There were others i compared them to but CA fitted the ears, eyes and pocket perfectly. Anyhoo, Obviously i had check out the CA 640h but £600 is very steep and i was unable demo it. Reviews for it wasn't that favorable either, problems with ripped cd names, noisey fan and possible reliability issues but all agreed that the sound was of CA Standards and build Quality. It can also connect wirelessly to a network and has internet radio, But there was little, if any others cheaper that i could find. What others can be recommended for around £300-400? Whats more, what are your views on music servers? are they worth it?