MP3 on USB flash drive plays out of order


New member
Nov 1, 2014
I've recently downloaded a 12-track album in MP3 format and used a splitter to delineate the separate tracks, in order to aid track selection in the future.

Having copied the album onto a USB flash drive and arranged the tracks in the correct order of 1-12 (it hadn't done this automatically, by the way), when I inserted it in my Denon M37 I noticed that it didn't start at track 1. All 12 tracks play beautifully and sound very nice, it's just that it always wants to start at track 6 and end up with track 5. Even when I scroll through to track 1 it carries on until the end of track 5 and stops!

Why doesn't it start at track 1?
How did you arrange the tracks? I assume the denon uses a different piece of metadata than you have edited to order the tracks
Many thanks for your helpful replies, hammill.

Initially I'd highlighted all the tracks, then copied and pasted them en bloc to the flashdrive. When I copied and pasted each track individually in the order I wanted them to play, lo and behold the Denon 'sees' them the way I do and co-operates!

Nowt so strange as technology, eh?!


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