most musical, the 875 or 905?



Would have thought it was obvious...


if by that you mean it must be the 905 as its the more expensive/ higher spec machine then it goes against what the reviews say on here.

The 905 "isn't the most musical" and the 875 review says that it deals with music very well or something to that effect.

Andrew has also made the comment on here previously about the 875 being one of the most musical recievers out there. (or words to the effect)

So i just wanted confirmation either way as its not too obvious at all to my mind.



The 905 is most musical of the two. However that's like me saying this piece of wood I'm hammering a nail into is more musical than the brick wall I am banging my head against LOL!!

If you want a musical sounding AVR you need to look to Arcam, Primare etc (which yes means looking at something like the Panasonic BD50 for Blu-Ray and using the 5.1 analogue outputs instead of HDMI for audio. And yes also means no bells and whistles to show off to your mates, just really bloody good audio quality which back in the day was why people bought amplifiers LOL!)


Andrew has also made the comment on here previously about the 875 being one of the most musical recievers out there. (or words to the effect)

WHAT??????? That must be a mis-quote!


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Aug 11, 2007
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...I guess most people have had little chance to compare the 2 which is why we rely on reviewers like Andrew to give us their opinion.

As for the 875 and whether it's musical ..I get a bit peeeved by such comments as "it isn't as good as a Primare" etc. mebbe's it's not but really was it supposed to be?

I own a 875 because I needed an amp to cope with AV AND stereo ...I don't have the luxury of separate specialised rooms. Yes of course there are better stereo amps out there and there are better AV amps/receivers but at a price! For under a grand to cope with both I don't think anything really comes close to the Onkyo

...I'm pretty fussy about how an amp deals with stereo and the Onk sounds excellent ....the amps that can better it can't deal with movie soundtracks the way the Onk does and THAT's the point!.

Also the Onkyo deals with SACD's and DVD-A's extremely well - I have a large collection of these so the Onkyo was a natural choice.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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It's all comparative - by the standards of its AV receiver competitors at the £1000 mark (when it cost that much), the Onkyo 875 doesn't do too badly for music (and blasts them all away for movie performance).

The Onkyo 905, however, is in a price bracket where it's up against higher-end receivers (Marantz etc) that are designed to be far more of a music-led prospect. As we comparatively test everything, that means the bigger Onk is going to lose out on that front. But, again, it's by far the better all-rounder of all the options in its field.

Again, it's all down to what you want/expect your receiver to do. For many people, both Onkyos will be more than musical enough. For others, they'lll forgo the superior movie performance and feature spec for a more musical amp.


Thanks for your replies guys and thanks for the clarification Clare


so now im thinkin: whats the most musical AV receiver that is in the price range of the 875 or 905 which is also closest in movie performance to the onks??


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