Monitor Audio RX6 or Paradigm Studio 60 v5? Or Other?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking to upgrade my 2 channel system's speakers. I currently have a set of PSB Image T5's and they are great for about half of what I listen to (Beatles, Billy Joel, other vocal focused contemporary music) and not so great for the other half of what I listen to (Progressive rock from Yes to Tool to Rush, etc).

I am strongly considering a pair of the RX6's based on internet reviews, but have some reservations. I find the PSB's to be far to "laid back" for the rock that I listen to (a LOT of drum and bass information is completely lost with the PSB's) and am afraid the RX6 may have a similar problem. Any thoughts?

When I purchased the PSB's I also auditioned the Paradigm Monitor series. I thought the crossover in the 7's and 11's was a little off, but the Monitor 9 was great. Music sounded very "alive" through those speakers. I did not get them because I allowed myself to be influenced by the salesperson and thought that the treble presence may cause some fatigue during long listening sessions. Also, the vinyl imitation wood finish on the Paradigm Monitor series kind of turned me off.

As a result, I am considering the Studio 60 (although it is $800 USD more than the RX6 and a stretch for my budget) because I liked the Monitor 9's so much and figure the high end on the Studio series should be a bit smoother.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Also, aside from the place where I got the PSB's (they are not a Paradigm Reference dealer, so no Studio 60's) the closest dealer is 4.5 hours away in hearing each speaker in person is a tough task, especially during the winter where I have to go over a mountain pass that gets shut down every other hour during December and January.

Also, I am considering the Aperion Intimus 6T if anyone has any experience with it.

Try to get a listen to B&Ws CM7s. They're being superceded, so you should be able to find a discount on the £1000 RRP.
Metropolis_488:Anyone?Where are you? Check out Echo Audio in Portland, they have some Paradigms second-hand in at the moment. The Reference 40s look nice!
Thanks. I am in Walla Walla - about 4 hours from Portland also...but I'll give them a call.


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