Monitor Audio RSW12 with Hi FI amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi i was reading the RSW-12 review and it said it can be connected to a hi fi amp how is it connected without the speaker level connections? I was considering it as a upgrade from my Rel Stampede if it was a big enough step up and would go well with my GS20's? Thanks
To clarify, it can be connected to a hi-fi amp provided that amp has preamplifier level outputs, or preouts, to feed it.
Not nless you have the 99Pre and 909 connected using the Quadlink connections, in which case the 99Pre's analogue outs will be going spare, or use some phono splitters on the preamp output to feed both the 909 and the sub.
flairdj:Hi i was reading the RSW-12 review and it said it can be connected to a hi fi amp how is it connected without the speaker level connections? I was considering it as a upgrade from my Rel Stampede if it was a big enough step up and would go well with my GS20's? Thanks

Do you really need a sub to go with your GS20s for music? For home cinema, the RSW12 is brilliant. I would not connect it up to my stereo though as I have plenty of bass as it is.


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