Mixr vs momentum

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Hi headphone lovers.

Has anyone heard both beats by dre mixr and senheiser momentum on ear headphones? If so how do they compare? Pros and cons to both if possible?

Im looking for some cans that are good at home and on the go while looking stylish. I know as always there will be compromise but I would like good sound quality with good bass as I mostly listen to hip hop and dance with pop, rock and reggae to a lesser extent.



New member
Dec 7, 2011
I will be able to do that in about 1 week from today, as hifiheadphones near London is sending the Momentum Junior to me, and I have the Mixr now. And the Mixr is really, really good.

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Thanks dale I look forward to it. I read your review of the mixr and I am now trying to find a shop where I can try them out but it's very hard here. I have no way of adjusting eq with my amp or my old generation iPod so was wondering if maybe the momentums were better balanced. Demoing the momentums is proving impossible as no shops near me stock them. Beats are on demo in hmv but up to now the mixr are not there. I do mostly listen to genres that favour extra bass but I still don't like it to overpower everything else.

Ill keep my eye out for your review :cheers:


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Ben K. said:
Thanks dale I look forward to it. I read your review of the mixr and I am now trying to find a shop where I can try them out but it's very hard here. I have no way of adjusting eq with my amp or my old generation iPod so was wondering if maybe the momentums were better balanced. Demoing the momentums is proving impossible as no shops near me stock them. Beats are on demo in hmv but up to now the mixr are not there. I do mostly listen to genres that favour extra bass but I still don't like it to overpower everything else. Ill keep my eye out for your review :cheers:

A short summary compared to the current Momentum: Beats is very bassy, so I use ipod bass reducer EQ on Mixr. Now the Mixr is well balanced, but darker than the Momentum, and it has a slightly closed-in sound - not especially airy or having a sense of space around voices and instruments. The Momentum by comparison is more spacious, but slightly dull on the high end. If you can boost the upper treble slightly on the Momentum, like increasing just a couple notches with a FiiO amp like the E07k or E17 etc., it will sound better than the Mixr.

But that's the old Momentum.....

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Thanks dale. From your short comparison I would probably take a chance on the mixr. I won't be buying any for a while yet so still more time to decide and I look forward to your review of the momentum on ear.



New member
Jan 14, 2013
I own beats mixr ( almost a year) and I heard the momentum for short periods (30 minutes maximum) few times.

I will start by saying both are really really great.

Comfort - with mixr it will take time until you will be comfortable with them - they sit tight on your head (even after getting used to it) but after getting used to it , you will feel them sitting tight and a bit pressure but no pain at all (in the beginning it hurts a bit). Momentum is like a big soft sofa after a long day of walking. Though some reviews mention it get a bit lossy after a while (not in the mixr case).

Honestly I cannot decide which of both are more comfortable but they are different , really different.

Sound -

Momentum - more detailed and natural , very precise.

Mixr - you will fall in love with the bass it is powerfull and deep though they tend to emphesize the rythm and background instruments rather than the singer.

Which of both is more exciting sound wise ? well it depends on the song .. If it is bass heavy the beats produces exciting powerfull sound . If it is not bass heavy or the bass should not be emphesized you will like the momentum's job (though it is not exciting by itself) the spacing , soundstage and precision make the job.

By the way .. I am replacing my mixr with (momentum/ b&w p5) why won't you consider the p5 as an option?

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Interesting comparison. It would seem from your opinion that perhaps the momentum are more of an audiophile headphone? Was it the small on ear momentum you tried? I like the idea of both and up to now have not found anywhere to try either of them out. I'm sure the b&w sound fine but aesthetically I really don't like them :roll:


New member
Jan 14, 2013
Thanks :)

Indeed the momentum are more of an audiophile headphone (Forgot to mention the word balance .. it is probably the key word for this comprassion).

No it was the big one.

Apple store should be a good place to start ;)

Oh ok , they do have unusual design...

Also the pretty new KEF m500 should be considered (though I didnt have the opportunity to listen to it yet) . Kef is a serious hifi company and I have read good reviews on them also what hifi has a review on them.

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
I would like to try the kefs as I'm sure they will sound smooth which I like. My girlfriend will be buying me these so I'm trying to keep the price around 200 but I have plenty of time so maybe 250 at a push might be possible or maybe they will be on special offer at some point.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
The Mixr played with simple bass reduction has a near-perfect treble. The Momentum does not - it has a recessed upper treble that is not easy to EQ, and played flat, it lacks upper harmonic detail. The Mixr wins the audiophile crown on that comparison. I consider the upper harmonics to be far more important than the minor midrange color the Mixr has.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Check out Innerfidelity..... you'll find some great reviews on there.

Of the Mixrs and the Momentums..... for me Momentums hands down. On ears are good, but the over ears are REALLY good.... as long as they fit properly (as in your WHOLE ear inside the cup).

Haven't found the need to use any EQ on them through my Note 2 or my Epiphany DAC.... to me they just sound 'right'.

They sound great through an amp..... but for you, just as good through a phone or DAP.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
And now the Mixr versus Momentum On-Ear as requested above: I've summarized the Mixr above, and Momentum On-Ear is very different from original Momentum. MOE has a very strong bass, especially boomy in the upper bass. Unfortunately, the treble is substantially rolled off, making the overall sound like listening through a heavy blanket. Applying iTunes-type treble boost, the sound is now approaching hi-fi, but the very strong bass remains. I have gotten used to the sound somewhat now, and actually like it - in fact it reminds me a lot of the Amperior with the treble boosted this way. But I cannot recommend to reduce the boominess along with boosting the treble, because this is a portable headphone, and portable music players don't usually have good equalizers that can precisely reduce the upper bass without harming the lower bass, and at the same time precisely boosting the treble.

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Thanks for that dale. As mentioned earlier my portable device does not have eq adjustment unfortunately. I am going to continue my search for a shop locally (ish) where I can try out some headphones but if I have to buy blind I think I'll give the mixr a shot.

Thanks again for your help.