Mismatched Setup … and spaghetti junction (please help)


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Apr 3, 2008
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Some of you have been great in helping me with this – but I need a little help in getting my head round the best way to set this lot up. Unfortunately – I did my research but clearly not very well! That said, I do have some quality pieces of kit. The big error was the limited connections on the TV. So, here’s the scenario and hopefully some of you can suggest how I wire this lot together!!!

Samsung LED 7 Series UE40B7020
Arcam Solo Mini
B&W CM1 Speakers
iPod Touch

Now this has taken some months to collect. In short I hope to beef up the sound from the TV (note this only has Optical out – the arcam has no optical) and some how get music from my iTouch to it all…(rDock a last resort - preference is wireless).

The TV is wireless and can access things like windows media server etc. But ideally the iPod would be nice to go straight to the Arcam.

Anyway – I’ll let you experts think of this as the wires that are appearing around my small lounge are looking pretty horrid!

I read a fair bit about DACs? Worth considering?

Thanks in advance (as always)


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Sep 6, 2007
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Some of you have been great in helping me with this - but I need a little help in getting my head round the best way to set this lot up. Unfortunately - I did my research but clearly not very well! That said, I do have some quality pieces of kit. The big error was the limited connections on the TV. So, here's the scenario and hopefully some of you can suggest how I wire this lot together!!!

Samsung LED 7 Series UE40B7020
Arcam Solo Mini
B&W CM1 Speakers
iPod Touch

Now this has taken some months to collect. In short I hope to beef up the sound from the TV (note this only has Optical out - the arcam has no optical) and some how get music from my iTouch to it all.(rDock a last resort - preference is wireless).

The TV is wireless and can access things like windows media server etc. But ideally the iPod would be nice to go straight to the Arcam.

Anyway - I'll let you experts think of this as the wires that are appearing around my small lounge are looking pretty horrid!

I read a fair bit about DACs? Worth considering?

Thanks in advance (as always)

As your tv has optical but no analogue and your Mini has analogue but no optical, and you want to get good sound out of your IPhone, you could buy an external DAC and an Airport Express (I'm assuming you have a computer to which you have ITunes? You could have an optical cable from tv to DAC and then analogue to Mini and USB from DAC to Airport Express and analogue from DAC to Mini.

And you will be able to use the IPhone as the remote control.


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Apr 3, 2008
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Thanks Gerrardasnails

It seems the DAC is the general answer. i wanted to avoid it but its my fault for not looking into the tv sockets properly! Thanks for your answer though as the added benifit of the Ipod Touch connection makes me feel better in shelling out for a DAC ...


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