Marantz SA15-S1 and PM15-S1 any good?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I was hoping to upgrade to a Roksan Caspian CDP and Amp but the prices are just running away from me. This Marantz pair were in a similar price bracket but have now been superceeded and, so, are now being discounted.

Anyone heard them? How do they compare to the Roksan and its competitors? Is it worth me tracking down a pair to audition?
They are very good, well balance sound when use together. depending on how revealing is your speakers because only down fall I come across with them is sibilance through a pair of £9K speakers. However, when the similar price speakers were used, sibilance was kept well under control. I can't tell you if they would be better than Roksan but I can tell you that they have different sound, Marantz was not as forward in the mid and doesn't seem to have an obviously fast timing of Caspian.

all the best