Marantz PM6004 Issue


New member
Feb 5, 2012
Hi guys,

So the story goes that I today received the newly released Google Chromecast Audio (digital output that doesn't suck like the Airport Express for the win), hooked it all up and it would seem that after a month without use, my Marantz PM6004 is not outputting any sound.

The headphone output however is absolutely fine.

I've spoken to Richer Sounds which is where I purchased it from, and typically the warranty ran out on it in June, so they are saying they can send it away to an engineer for £40 which is pretty much just for them to look at it and tell you what's wrong and how much you need to pay to fix it.

After speaking to my father, he suggested it could just be a fuse which has blown on the board and thinks that we should open it up... I'm not sure if this is going to be a waste of time or not and whether I should just send it off to the engineer for an easy life.

Any help is very much appreciated.

hi i know its silly are the a-b lights on ? if your dad is handy like that then its not going to cost you anything only a fuse but if this does not work then send it off if you think its worth it
Try with other input, connect a tuner or CD player...I think Mara 6004 is

very reliable and built like a tank
GCE said:
Try with other input, connect a tuner or CD player...I think Mara 6004 is

very reliable and built like a tank

How would that help? He already said it's fine through headphones. I'd pop it open and see if anything blinding obvious strikes you. But then I've never been frightened of lifting lids off electrical things (other than CRT tellies) while it seems most people are sh*t scared of even changing a plug.
Hi guys,

Thanks for the tips, I decided to take the plunge and this is what I found...

What is the white goo that seems to be emerging from everywhere?! you can see here too...

Looks like I'm going to have to send it in then 🙁

I've tried all the inputs I could possibly try!
Looks like I'm going to have to send it in then 🙁

I've tried all the inputs I could possibly try!


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