Marantz Cd Players

Dagenham Darren 80

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Oct 5, 2016
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I have a Marantz CD65mkii and am really impressed by the speed in which it reads cds and even the scratched one's I have that i couldn't play on other machines ive owned lately.

I've also agreed to but a CD6003 in a week which I've been reading on this forum are very good.

The sound is also a lot better than my previous Pioneers and Technic's.

I'm really loving Marantz at the moment.

I'd like to hear from anyone else that owns Marantz audio and what I should look for next? I have a technics tuner and an old Pioneer record player that I want to upgrade next. Im still in two minds whether to upgrade my Sansui amp as i really love the retro looks or it and the sound it produces..

What models should I look for? There seems to be so many around I don't know what's best and my budget would be £200 - £300 each. I'm not overly fussed about them being new so used is fine.

Thank you


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a mint Marantz CD6000KI and PM7000 amp tucked away just in case I decide to get a 2nd passive system up and running. I loved the CD player and have been unwilling to let it go. When I used the CD6000KI as a transport into an external DAC a couple of yeas back it still sounded superb.

If you like the sound of some of your gear why upgrade for the sake of it? Invest more funds into the best speakers you can get would be my advice. Agree with you on the Sansui amp, I too love the looks but haven't heard one..
luckylion100 said:
a mint Marantz CD6000KI and PM7000 amp tucked away just in case I decide to get a 2nd passive system up and running. I loved the CD player and have been unwilling to let it go. When I used the CD6000KI as a transport into an external DAC a couple of yeas back it still sounded superb.

If you like the sound of some of your gear why upgrade for the sake of it? Invest more funds into the best speakers you can get would be my advice. Agree with you on the Sansui amp, I too love the looks but haven't heard one..

Patience is the key here as many seem to be ditching their CDPs in favour of streaming, many on this forum would say this is the way to go. I happen to disagree because, if you want to actually own physical media, CD s are the cheapest way of doing this. A bit old-hat I know but I play all forms of media at the moment.

Keep your eye out for Marantz KI Signature versions of their players, their SA models, or the more recent CD6005, there may be a few on eBay as I type this.

I know for a fact there is an SA7001KI on there but it's a tad overpriced at £309. They may be open to offers if it doesn't sell, and this would be money well spent.


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Al ears said:
luckylion100 said:
a mint Marantz CD6000KI and PM7000 amp tucked away just in case I decide to get a 2nd passive system up and running. I loved the CD player and have been unwilling to let it go. When I used the CD6000KI as a transport into an external DAC a couple of yeas back it still sounded superb.

If you like the sound of some of your gear why upgrade for the sake of it? Invest more funds into the best speakers you can get would be my advice. Agree with you on the Sansui amp, I too love the looks but haven't heard one..

Patience is the key here as many seem to be ditching their CDPs in favour of streaming, many on this forum would say this is the way to go. I happen to disagree because, if you want to actually own physical media, CD s are the cheapest way of doing this. A bit old-hat I know but I play all forms of media at the moment.

Keep your eye out for Marantz KI Signature versions of their players, their SA models, or the more recent CD6005, there may be a few on eBay as I type this.

I know for a fact there is an SA7001KI on there but it's a tad overpriced at £309. They may be open to offers if it doesn't sell, and this would be money well spent.

I agree although my physical ownership fix comes in the form of vinyl, bloody expensive when you add it up though. Now I'm tempted to dig the CD player out once more and have a play!

Dagenham Darren 80

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Thanks for the replies.

I love owning my vinyl and cds. I don't even own an ipod. I don't think I'd ever move away from actually having the music in my hand lol

I'm really happy with my cd player (buying the cd6003 to keep aside as heard great stuff about it) I absolutely love my amp it the rest I just feel I good do a bit better with

I don't know much about Marantz and am really learning all the time as the past few weeks I've really been really educating myself if you will on what is actually good as opposed to what a common electricall store has always led me to believe was good lol

When I switched my amp the other day to a Kenwood one I have laying about I literally felt like putting the Kenwood one in the bin after and put my Sansui straight back on never to be treated that way again lol

I do want a nice improved turn table, I feel my Dark Side of The Moon album deserves that haha

But yes Marantz I really like what I've heard of their stuff and what I've been reading.

Someone has offered me an AMC amp too he has in a cupboard at home. I will be honest I don't even know who AMC are......

Dagenham Darren 80

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Thanks that's a good read. I have to say I really do like it. Impresses me by how quick it scans and reads cd, I'd say 2-3 seconds. Also has the retro look I like. I can't fault it


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Nov 24, 2013
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I've had a few Marantz cdp's all 2nd hand all pretty cheap and never had a dud one.

CD5001, CD63ki sig mk ii, CD67 and my current CD6002 which cost me £50 is immaculate and is one of the biggest bangs for my buck sonically I've ever had

Dagenham Darren 80

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knaithrover said:
I've had a few Marantz cdp's all 2nd hand all pretty cheap and never had a dud one. 

CD5001, CD63ki sig mk ii, CD67 and my current CD6002 which cost me £50 is immaculate and is one of the biggest bangs for my buck sonically I've ever had

Have you actually noticed a big difference between the various models you have owned? What was your favourite sounding and also style. I like a retro look myself


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Dagenham Darren 80 said:
knaithrover said:
I've had a few Marantz cdp's all 2nd hand all pretty cheap and never had a dud one.

CD5001, CD63ki sig mk ii, CD67 and my current CD6002 which cost me £50 is immaculate and is one of the biggest bangs for my buck sonically I've ever had

Have you actually noticed a big difference between the various models you have owned? What was your favourite sounding and also style. I like a retro look myself

They all sound similar, the ki sig as you would expect was best in both looks and sound - quite startling to hear at 1st it was that good. My current 6002 is nearly as good and I love it's retro look. Not a big fan of the current Marantz 'look' at all even though they sound excellent. I still have my CD67 in storage and what an underrated performer it is - mine is immaculate and cost a fraction of what I paid for the ki sig and it's nearly as good. All were/are bulletproof - You really can't go wrong with these cdp's.


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Many moons ago I owned a CD52 MKII, which I followed up with a CD63SE KI signature. The transport mech in the 63SE (Phillips CDM 12) is still used today in some pretty high end kit, so I wonder how it compares to a modern CD player? Alas I traded mine in against a Rega Apollo in 2005-ish so cannot do the comparison.


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