Marantz Amplifier Upgrade

Dr Oetker

New member
Apr 18, 2008
I have a PM6002 at the moment, I love the sound but would like extra power and more bass definition. I've been trying a Roksan Kandy LIII but I prefer the PM6002 even with it's faults (the Marantz is much more animated and "in the room" sounding). Would I be right in saying that upgrading to a more expensive Marantz amp would reatain the overall type of sound? If so what do you recommend PM7001,PM7200,PM15S1 etc?

The PM7200 has become a bit of a cult item, one went earlier today for over £270 (didn't see the final bid) which isn't bad given it came out for £350.

Of the later stuff, you'd probably do well to have a listen to some current gear in a dealer's (or better still, try and get a home demo). I love the Marantz sound but it's maybe worth seeking out the Exposure 2010s amp - very punchy and a good dynamic presentation to it.
I found the 7200 to be one of the weaker marantz amplifiers. Admittedly it was cheap but it also lacked verve, rythm and guts despite some impressive figures on paper. That they have dropped the switchable Class A facility on subsequent lower range products and returned to build conventional but well engineered amps may explain why.

Marantz have always maintained a strong 'house sound' but this doesnt include the best bass.

Personally I think, you can find the Marantz sound in certain valve amplifiers, as I did some years ago. It gave more of everything but better. Having re-read an amp test in another mag, even the companies 8000 series (£700) amplifier scores highly on musicality, not so high on bass quality.

There's always a trade-in somewhere. If I had to suggest anything Solid State, I'd say Naim's XS is a wonderfully capable, very musical amp that let's you forget that you are listening to electronics. It comes at a price but if you already are considering spending 500quid you might just save a few months more. At least listen to one. Then comes the cdp ...
Just spotted this amp going secondhand in a dealer's - the Melody SP3 valve amp (36wpc so it'll be fine with speakers from about 88/89db upwards) which might be a good option. Here's Ken Kessler's review and it's one I've lusted after in the past. Limited inputs, so forget CD/tuner/iPod/telly/DVD/PS3/anything else with a plug, but I think it takes three. £495 and at the price, it's a total steal. Haven't read a bad review about this one, so see what you think from the review.
My little brother is using Marantz PM15 S1 and, for the money, it is outstanding....really is. Sometime he bring his amp over to listen with the rest of my system and it didn't sound too out of place at all.
Dr Oetker:
I have a PM6002 at the moment, I love the sound but would like extra power and more bass definition. I've been trying a Roksan Kandy LIII but I prefer the PM6002


I've had both and the difference is HUGE.

I have used PM7200 and now I own PM7001KI. For my ears the latter is much better and sweeter!


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