Marantz 6003 or 8003 with Monitor Audio rx6?


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Wil the combo Marantz amp and cdp 6003 good enough for the monitor audio rx6? Or better the Marantz 8003 amp and cdp? I play rock and pop.
Can I ask you why just the Marantz gear?

Are you able to demo other amps and CDP's or are they the only ones available to you?

IMO both would do well but I'd go for the 8003 for a bit more oomph; the M/A RX6's like to be driven but the 6003 will suffice
i heard the 6003 combo with the rx6's and i thought it sounded a bit, "flabby" in the bass, i also heard them with the rx1's and the sound was sublime. i put this down to the amp not controlling the larger speakers but i cant be sure of this as it wasnt my demo and i never heard another amp. all in all tho the 8003 amp should be better at the job. if you can afford to stretch out your budget to the 8003 combo i think it would be well worth it (though i havent heard them)
ok , i think the 6003 pairs very well with the rx6s , but , and its a kinda big but , ive only ever heard my system , ive got no point of referance , sounds great to me though , much better than with my ex nad c326bee...

my only gripe being some complex tracks (mostly rock , rem , guns and roses etc ) could sound a bit more open and seperated , even though the same tracks sound better than on my old nad , but on the whole , the combo is fab

also , as far as power goes , it seems like the 6003 has plenty , but as i said , ive not heard the rx6s with a more powerful amp ..

bluebrazil:i heard the 6003 combo with the rx6's and i thought it sounded a bit, "flabby" in the bass, i also heard them with the rx1's and the sound was sublime. i put this down to the amp not controlling the larger speakers but i cant be sure of this as it wasnt my demo and i never heard another amp.

You are correct bluebrazil. The 6003 would've had an easier time controlling the bass of the RX1's than the bass of the RX6's. Although a 6003 will drive RX6's, the 8003 is in a better position to get more from them and control them better.
If you can stretch to the 8003 then do it, as it will be a better amp and you can then use it if you ever upgrade your speakers. The 6003 is very good at what it does, but wont last the upgrades.
I used to own that combo and after a few months realised it just didn't quite sound right - worked out that it was the bass and bought the much more powerful vintage amp you can see in my signature. Problem solved.

I'd audition other brands to see how they compare - i'm sure the 8003 is a better amp but may still have some of the issues I experienced with the 6003 (which I am now going to incorporate in a second system).

what were those issues daskeg ?? im looking to upgrade my 6003 , just wondering what you thought could have been improved upon , apart from bass ? ta..
Have heard the Montor audio with the Marantyz 6003 and the 8003. The 6003 was not bad, but the 8003 sounds better.

I will listen to the monitor audio with the new Denon 1510 amp and cdp. Of there any difference is than with the Marantz.
What other makes of hifi are available to you peterpan?

Can you demo the likes of Arcam, Roksan, NAD, Cambridge Audio, Creek etc...

IMO sticking to Marantz or Denon narrows the field down hell of a lot!

My description of the bass would have been a little "flat" but i'm not very good with hi fi terminology - it sounded fine for folk, alt country and jazz but anything like hip hop that needed much punch didn't sound right. My own very amateur diagnosis from a bit of reading around was that a more powereful amp would make biggest difference.

Buying an older model was cheapest way of doing that and I knew I wouldn't lose much if I wanted to sell it on. I got a bit lucky as it is in unusually good condition and was overhauled 3 years ago by very reputable place on south coast. Bass is miles better and combo actually sounds better with hip hop or other bass orientated music than anything else. Speakers now sound like they are really being driven.
cheers daskeg , i really love the combo , im only a hifi novice so have nothing to compare it to .. so it may be a little flat and i probably wouldnt know ..

i will probably do what you did and get a cheap 2nd hand , but more powerful amp , probably arcam a-85 ..

ill keep my marantz just in case though , lovely bit of kit for the money ...
I'm no expert either - still kept the marantz to use in another set up when I move house. Will get paired up with the cd6003, pro-ject and pair of standmounts when I get the chance to upgrade TT and cd player in new year.

I agree it is a very nice amp for money - especially with music i mentioned earlier. I got quite lucky with the yamaha - bought it from a real enthustiast on a pick up only from ebay so I had the chance to hear it in his house before buying.
Cripes Max, a hi fi "novice" with 5000+ posts!!!

Seriously, I've read lots of your posts, and my advice FWIW is to listen with your ears and not through the lens of a web forum if you will pardon the deliberate mixed metaphor.

Remember, anyone can be anyone to a degree on the net, and chances are there are a significant number of opinions (and remember that's all they are) are probably made up anyway and never really happened. I guess that this one is a lot more honest than most, but I'd wager its not completely 100% real. Advice is often best seasoned with salt, and in that context nothing is blander than forum-speak!
mostly posts about tvs , and god knows what else , i suppose the avatar is misleading though , alas i have to keep it

yea listening is of course the best way forward guys , not always possible though ..

as regards advice , well id say its mostly genuine , but ive been on here long enough now to know that people can be a little enthusiastic regarding their own likes , (im even a little guilty of that
) , its all enjoyable harmless fun though eh ..

the one thing i have learned above all else re. hifi , speaker positioning . i would never have guessed it could make such a difference tbh..
mostly posts about tvs , and god knows what else , i suppose the avatar is misleading though , alas i have to keep it

yea listening is of course the best way forward guys , not always possible though ..

as regards advice , well id say its mostly genuine , but ive been on here long enough now to know that people can be a little enthusiastic regarding their own likes , (im even a little guilty of that
) , its all enjoyable harmless fun though eh ..

the one thing i have learned above all else re. hifi , speaker positioning . i would never have guessed it could make such a difference tbh..

Moving house is often the best upgrade you can make, and rather like using a computer as your source, you get the added benefit of different coloured wallpaper to look at.
Does anyone else feel that the Marantz PM8003 with the RX range is just slightly too warm and bass heavy?

IMO the Marantz PM8003 with the older RS series might be a better match.
Maybe you can stick with Marantz 6003 and RX6 instead of 8003. Use the difference in $ between 6003 and 8003 to spend it on an active subwoofer.
Is the MA RX6 good for rock and pop? I don't like agressive and too hell speakers, but also speakers who are too dull, like the B&W 684.
Is the roksan Kandy K2 amp and cdp better than the Marantz 8003? Or too bright with Monitor audio rx6?
Why don't you just wait for the Marantz PM Pearl Lite amp ? That will be a real upgrade I think.


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