Mains power cables.


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Aug 10, 2019
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I'm taking my first steps into the home cinema market and will be geting the Onkyo TX-SR608 along with the Jamo style speaker package. I was also looking at whether it is worth purchasing something like the Ecosse Big Orange power cable to upgrade my TV's 'out of the box' cable. Is it worth taking this step and also, should a mains cable like that be plugged directly into the wall to maximise it's benefit or does it matter if it goes through a 'multi-plug' adapter as i currently have a bank of 8 hooked up?


Some say yes some say no.

I bought a belkin pureav mains conditioner which was 500.00 rrp and got it for 40.00 at a clearance ,and did not see a difference, so sold it.

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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I'm taking my first steps into the home cinema market and will be geting the Onkyo TX-SR608 along with the Jamo style speaker package. I was also looking at whether it is worth purchasing something like the Ecosse Big Orange power cable to upgrade my TV's 'out of the box' cable. Is it worth taking this step and also, should a mains cable like that be plugged directly into the wall to maximise it's benefit or does it matter if it goes through a 'multi-plug' adapter as i currently have a bank of 8 hooked up?
Hi there, if you do a forum search under powerkords youll find shed loads of comments, that aside im one of the Powerkord believers and i say its the most important upgrades you can do, i found by plugging components directly into the wall didnt reap any benefits to me, but i do strongly recommend using something like the Tacima mains block as i use on with which gave some excellent results.


Thanks for your comments, i'll look up the forums now and see what the general consensus is. I was a bit concerned that buying the Big Orange would be a waste of time if I then plugged it into a basic surge protector mutli-plug. In my head, logic tells me that if i'm passing the power through some normal cableing and then putting it into more expensive cabling, I won't get the full benefit. But I don't know much about the process in all honesty.



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Power cables are supposed to help to condition the mains before it enters the amp or whatever. My experience says that you are better buying a mains conditioner to do that. You can get mains extensions with mains conditioning built in from Tacima and Lindy or plug types from Russ Andrews and others. I find they are more effective at getting rid of noise out of the mains. However, the effect varies with how noisy the mains is in the first place.


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Jan 7, 2010
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Don't waste your money on expensive individual cables, If you want to filter your mains then Belkin do a mains block where you can plug in all your components. That is all you will ever need.


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Mar 20, 2008
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In my head, logic tells me that if i'm passing the power through some normal cableing and then putting it into more expensive cabling, I won't get the full benefit. But that logic would suggest changing the cable from the device to the power station.


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Most hifi takes AC, so the amp or whatever is both the first and last part of the chain. Some products use DC, but the transforming or AC to DC acts as a form of mains filtering.

Think of a mains cable as a harbour wall. The sea outside it might have 20' waves, but inside the harbour that is down to 2' waves. So what is happening miles down the line does not matter.


I have some supra and some copper line alpha, the later a bargain ay £35.00 and I think it makes a huge difference just my opinion though.


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Aug 27, 2008
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Ive tried and tested all sorts of power cables and conditioners

Generally speaking id plug a 'powerful' amp direct to the wall socket. Everything else through a mains conditioner/power cord or both

Ive found braided cables to be the best type to remove RFI (Which dirties the mains)
rkid_bob21: I'm taking my first steps into the home cinema market and will be geting the Onkyo TX-SR608 along with the Jamo style speaker package. I was also looking at whether it is worth purchasing something like the Ecosse Big Orange power cable to upgrade my TV's 'out of the box' cable. Is it worth taking this step and also, should a mains cable like that be plugged directly into the wall to maximise it's benefit or does it matter if it goes through a 'multi-plug' adapter as i currently have a bank of 8 hooked up?

Which TV have you got? As you can see already, some are believers & some are non-believers.

I don't see any difference. It's all marketing & placebo effect in my opinion (I know some will strongly disagree with me).

Just buy a cable from someone offering returns guarantee & return it if you find no difference.


If you have new electric in your house and its up to date, then whats wrong with that electricity?

I suppose if your house is quite old, and things need updating and you live in an area that might have problems then maybe the conditioner is the way to go.

Buy a tacima and if you dont see a difference then you can always sell it or return it, the only way to know fo sho is to buy.

Same as HDMI cables, some belive some dont, but its your eyes and ears that are doing the testing
I'm taking my first steps into the home cinema market and will be geting the Onkyo TX-SR608 along with the Jamo style speaker package. I was also looking at whether it is worth purchasing something like the Ecosse Big Orange power cable to upgrade my TV's 'out of the box' cable. Is it worth taking this step and also, should a mains cable like that be plugged directly into the wall to maximise it's benefit or does it matter if it goes through a 'multi-plug' adapter as i currently have a bank of 8 hooked up?

Hi rkid_bob21

I would suggest you use the standard supplied mains cable with all of your components.

In the first instance plug all mains cables directly into wall sockets.

If you need an extension block then i can highly recommend ones from Wilkinson Stores. These are very modestly priced and more importantly don't have negative effects on the performance of connected components. Hence why i use several of these in the shop.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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Feb 9, 2010
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Just buy a cable from someone offering returns guarantee & return it if you find no difference.

Bigboss as my vote.

the record spot

Rick's got mine for today. And the rest of the week as well for that matter!


I am sure you have all noticed the small barrel looking device on some cables ( Ferrite core ) attached to some cables , definitely on computer equipment.

You probable never gave it a second thought

The manufacturers would not waste time and money ( I know they must cost them Penny's ) fitting these if they did not serve a purpose.

In the industry these Penny's must amount to a significant cost , so the ferrite cores must bring a benefit the same as conditioners and some power cords , adding these standard would be cost prohibitive


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Aug 24, 2007
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I've used quite a few mains cables, some of which have made very positive differences, some no perceivable difference. I've been disappointed with a Russ Andrews Powercord, Merlin Tarantula and a couple of Clearer Audio Silverlines. So-so about a Merlin Black Widow that made a little difference over the RA and Tarantula. And very pleased indeed with 2 Nordosts that I have (both of which cost me significantly less than the Silverlines). All have been sold except the 2 Nordosts, I've moved back to the standard mains cable on my DVD player too as I don't really watch movies very often and I don't aspire to having a better picture, it's fine as is. For music, however, I want the very best my system is capable of and have been known to cast a critical ear...but only when it's switched on. Wouldn't go back to the supplied leads now though. I was astonished at the performance of the first Nordost I bought on fleabay, gobsmacked!

I haven't ever added a power cable to a TV though.


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