Macbook to new HDTV - connection questions


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have read some of the threads here and elsewhere about connecting a Macbook to a HDTV, but am still unclear on some issues.

The TV I am about to buy has a VGA input and three HDMI ports (it's the Panasonic 37PX80).
I seem to have two options, either:
- mini-DVI to DVI adapter, with a DVI to HDMI cable
- mini-DVI to VGA adapter, with a VGA to VGA cable.

But I'm not clear on a couple of issues.
- I know the HDMI option will not provide audio from the Macbook, but is it the same with VGA? I want to use the connection to watch some movies I have on my Macbook, so audio is essential. Do I need an extra audio cable, and if so, what exact type?

- If I get a mini-DVI to VGA adapter (e.g., what exact type of VGA to VGA cable do I need. Is it male to male, or female to male?

Basically, I want to watch movies from my Macbook on the HDTV, but I'm not sure 100% what I need (and which is best - VGA or HDMI). The TV is 1024x768: (

Also, just a basic question - if I download a HD movie on the Mac, will it actually transfer in HD quality to the TV? I'm assuming it will, but again am not 100% sure if something is lost along the way.

Thanks in advance


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To add to John's comment, DVI -> HDMI remains a digital signal throughout whereas VGA will convert to analogue. Both handle HD signals, but because of the conversion, DVI -> HDMI remains the better signal (much in the same way as HDMI is preferred over Component in the Home Cinema world).
[quote user="otansey"]I know the HDMI option will not provide audio from the Macbook, but
is it the same with VGA?[/quote]
HDMI isn't your limiting factor here, it's the DVI part. Neither a DVI output, nor a VGA output handle audio, so you'll need a separate cable to handle this in both instances. You can get converters which will input both a DVI and an optical signal and output as a single HDMI signal (like this) but unless you need everything to be very tidy, or you're running a very long HDMI connection, it's not really worth it in my opinion.
[quote user="otansey"]if I download a HD movie on the Mac, will it actually transfer in HD quality to the TV?[/quote]


Thanks for that. But just to clarify, are these the three things I need then?

- mini-DVI to DVI adapter:

- DVI to HDMI cable:

- audio cable, but I'm really not sure what type would be best here. Something like this?

Thanks again


[quote user="otansey"]
Thanks for that. But just to clarify, are these the three things I need then?

- mini-DVI to DVI adapter:

- DVI to HDMI cable:

- audio cable, but I'm really not sure what type would be best here. Something like this?

Thanks again

[/quote]Yes, you need both an mini dvi to dvi adapter and a dvi to hdmi cable. For the dvi to hdmi cable you could also check this site out: Is more cost effective and judging by a fellow forum member experience, just as good. See: Can cables be too good thread.


Thanks for the tip - always happy to find cheaper alternatives.

I'm still not sure which audio cable to get though...3.5mm jack to ???

Edit - actually I think I have this sorted now. Thanks for the advice.


I've just done the same with my MacBook to a Panasonic TX-32LXD86 over DVI - it works really well!


I have my Macbook Pro connected via VGA to a TH37PX80B - simply because I already had all the cables to hand when the TV arrived... Picture quality is great when watching HD downloads. I have read on other forums that the DVI to HDMI route will mean that the picture does not quite fill the screen - I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has the same model Panny as to whether that is true before I go and invest in yet another cable! Thanks


I finally got my HDTV, and I tried to connect the Macbook as suggested, but while the video comes through fine, the audio isn't coming through. I'm using a 3.5mm to 2xPhono cable, and I'm plugging the Phono end into the 'Audio In' connection in the back of the TV. But no sound comes out, and I've checked the volume levels on both the TV and Macbook. Any ideas?



Don't shoot me, but have you connected the cable to the headphone socket of the Mac, and do you have the Mac on Maximum volume? I have my Macbook Pro connected to an Amp so I haven't tested a cable directly into the back on my Panny. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the cable is duff...?


No shooting necessary - no question is too obvious (for me at least). I did have the cable connected to the headphone socket of the Mac, and the audio was very audible when the cable was unplugged, so I'd be surprised if it was a volume issue. But I'll pump up the volume tonight just to double check.

I also have an amp leading to some speakers, so maybe I'll try plugging the cable into the amp. What do you have between the amp and the TV? I have a 2Phono to 2Phono interconnect cable for taking the TV's sound to the speakers, but presumably would need another one of these cables to take the Macbook's audio from the amp to the 'Audio In' connection on the back of the TV?

Also, the cable previously worked when I hooked up my iPod to the amp and its speakers, so I don't think it's the cable.



Thanks - I'll check this out tonight. The visuals were coming through a HDMI cable, so maybe that's it. Although I don't know how I would then combine both if they're coming in on different inputs. Is there a way for selecting separate audio and video inputs to run together? The AV button on the remote control just gives one list to choose from...



I also have an amp leading to some speakers, so maybe I'll try plugging the cable into the amp. What do you have between the amp and the TV? I have a 2Phono to 2Phono interconnect cable for taking the TV's sound to the speakers, but presumably would need another one of these cables to take the Macbook's audio from the amp to the 'Audio In' connection on the back of the TV?


Here's what I have:

My TV Audio Out goes to my Amplifier on Channel 1

My Mac Audio Out goes to my Amplifier on Channel 2

So When I am watching anything on the Mac I just switch the amp to channel 2

I have no Audio going into the TV only out.

I guess it could be possible that the sound only goes into the TV on certain AV inputs - although there is nothing in the manual that I can see that indicates that - you could test it by setting the AV channel to PC instead of HDMI - you would then get sound but no picture - but it would prove a point. Perhaps it assumes audio is coming from the HDMI cable...


Actually, the answer is in the manual - on page 26 - you need to set the HDMI1 channel to Analogue.


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neilsmith:I have read on other forums that the DVI to HDMI route will mean that the picture does not quite fill the screen - I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has the same model Panny as to whether that is true before I go and invest in yet another cable! Thanks
Don't have quite the same models as you, but I recently got a DVI to HDMI cable for my Mini Mac, hooking it up to my Panasonic TH-42PX600. Previously, it was hooked up using a VGA cable and it fit the screen fine, but when hooked up via HDMI, the top and bottom part of the screen are cut off (the menu bar at the top isn't displayed and half the dock at the bottom is missing). The Mac seems to be picking up the resolution as 1280x720, but my TV is 1024x768, so I don't quite understand this - if anything, I'd expect it to be smaller! Messing around with the aspect on the TV doesn't help.
So it looks like you might be better off sticking with VGA unless anyone has an explanation / solution?


Neil - your solution with the amp worked perfectly. I don't know why I thought the audio had to go through the TV before getting to the amp. Thanks!

Professorhat - I'm having the same problem with the screen cutting off the top and bottom. A bit frustrating as I nearly bought the VGA cable instead. Might be something to explore in the Mac's system preferences, in the Displays tab, Will explore more tonight and post back if I find anything. (I'll also explore your suggestion about the Topfield in the other thread I started - I'm running the Mystuff TAP, so maybe that has something to do with it). Thanks for all the help.



I had the same problem; half the dock and the top menu was cropped off. if you bring up the display preferences from your Mac system preferences, the window that opens on the TV screen should have a tick box marked 'overscan'. Deselect this and the full image will be displayed, albeit with a thin black band round the edge.


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