Looking for a new xbox 360 classic


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

Looking to buy an xbox 360 old style not slim. Can they still be bought new? If so any ideas where? Is it an internet kob or do the big stores still sell them

Thanks in advance
Why would you buy a classic over the slim, the current new slims have less chance of getting the RROD.Also price wise you can get a slim for around £150, maybe the elite even cheaper but your most likely to find them in supermarkets trying to get rid of the older models.I myself have the the classic and the elite, and tell you that the elite is much quieter and you can load from hardrive and comes with 120GB hardrive.I would go for the slim and Kinect packages, after demoes in Asda the Kinect is really taking off now.
I have the old one and it got RROD and Microsoft sent me a new one. But why would you prefer the old one?


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