Nice surprise this morning. The SR80i's that I thought I'd bought for £96.00 from the Manchester show the other week, were actually charged to my card as £86.00
You would have had a far nicer surprise if you had bought them in New York City, brand new for $69 (£43) where they are much better value than buying them in Rip-Off-Britain.
Sadly, Grado contribute towards this by not permitting their US dealers to export their products overseas or else they forfeit their sales rights to Grados.
A bit like Levi's jeans in that regard.
I found my SR80is so uncomfortable that I sold them and bought a set of Goldring 150s which sound equally as good as the Grados and are much more comfortable to wear as well as being more robustly built, and included a high-quality detachable lead. A very under-rated model in my opinion.
Of course, if you have no problems wearing the Grados then you are lucky.
I found them very similar to wearing a pair of cheese-graters. (Albeit, cheese-graters that sounded very good.)
Happy listening........
Well I'll just struggle on with my SR80i's.
I can get into Manchester City centre easily, but the Metrolink extension line through to New York is nowhere near completion yet unfortunately.