Ok, here goes - Did a fresh, quick n' dirty 2-point Calibration this morning. This gives you a very strong average of all elements - it could be improved in some areas for dark/light rooms etc but is basically sound all-round. You can get better shadow detail with higher brightness but you'll lose black level a touch and "Pop" to the picture. This is with a 2.2 gamma setting.
The picture will be darker than the settings you're used to but more "correct" - this gives 36ftl (overall brightness) where the max you'd normally want from plasma is about 40. In dark rooms the brighter picture would be more wearing on your eyes though would look initially impressive.
As with all settings changes, do them and walk away for a bit then come back fresh or the jump in difference from what you're used to can be offputting. Try them on Expert 1 or 2 but not the one you normally use of the two so you don't lose that. Do a picture reset on the one you want to use before putting the settings in.
Aspect Ratio: Just Scan (Some channels may get grey dots at the top on this, switch to "Original" if so)
Energy Saving: Off
Contrast: 73
Brightness: 50
H Sharpness: 46
V Sharpness: 36
Colour: 49
Tint: 0
Expert Control -
All standard except;
Colour Temp: Medium
Method: 2 Points
Red Contrast: 30
Green Contrast: 20
Blue Contrast: -15
Red Brightness: 19
Green Brightness: 8
Blue Brightness: 30
(normally if all brightness channels were being raised you'd just turn up the basic brightness, in this case it pushes blue too high in the darker areas, as these settings go blue is a bit high at 0-20% and red a little high at 90% the red can sometimes show in standard def skin tone highlights where there will be a mild pinkish tinge, it should be ok on HD material - overall the rest of the range is pretty much spot on. This is where 20-point is better but we're talking subtly, not leaps and bounds - nothing is miles out here.)
Color Management System:
(Standard unless stated)
Green Colour: 9
Yellow Tint: -4
Cyan Tint: 3
Magenta Tint: -3
That's it! Give it a chance, these are technically very good for this screen - you may prefer the image you had though, nothing wrong with that! You do adjust and soon see when less natural settings are used after a while. This is presuming the panels are all similar which they seem to be from other measurements I've seen.