lets talk music......


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2014
Greetings all,

Most of the time mainly the technical side of hifi is discussed, I thought for a change, with valentines day in sight, it would be nice to talk about music or rather how we all like to listen to it, after all music is the SOUL of our Hifi system.

I have two modes of listening: 1 I call an effortless listening which I started after the addition of irdac. I just plug my ipod, I have about 5 thousand tracks in there, and I am good to go, irdac remote makes it even more effortless if I don't like a track I can just press the skip button. I can listen to music like this for hours.

Mode 2: cd listening. I will choose about 8/10 cds, depending on how much time I have, from my collection of around 300 cds. What I choose depends on my mood. Music and memories have strong relationship, I came to the uk when I was 15 so my childhood was mostly spent in tea estates in assam. There are tracks that take me directly to my childhood. Call me weird but I have few tracks that I like to listen to when the sun is out.

I am generally good at multitasking but when I am listening to music in my hifi I can't seem to concentrate on anything else.
Music has always been my passion and being a percussionist (Tabla) it is engraved even more.

This is how I listen to music. Please share your story too.

Sorry about the rather long post and thanks for reading.
I've heard from elders there used to be musical discussion section outside the Hi-Fi forum realm. Could be just a myth.
Hi Animesh Ghose I would rather listen to music than watch Tv my main way to listen is like you I go through my cds picking out 5or6 and sit down and enjoy 2nd way the same as 1st but with the volume right up loud so I can feel the music as I am now listening 3rd way usauly in the car through my 825W Meridian system ipod on ramdom with the volume loud enough to make the mirror's shake *biggrin*
toyota man said:
Hi Animesh Ghose I would rather listen to music than watch Tv my main way to listen is like you I go through my cds picking out 5or6 and sit down and enjoy 2nd way the same as 1st but with the volume right up loud so I can feel the music as I am now listening 3rd way usauly in the car through my 825W Meridian system ipod on ramdom with the volume loud enough to make the mirror's shake *biggrin*

Toyota man with a jaguar picture?
Hi Animesh Ghose its a long story I've had quite a few Toyota's in fact I've still got one it was my Son's suggestion for my user name, then I came into a bit of money and I treated myself to the Jag and its a real pleasure to drive I've just got to watch my speed oh and the sound system is awesome for a car
Put pc on open itunes scan through itunes then fish out selected cds and then follow 1or 2 from above this way you can look through your music some of which may be tucked away elswere
My listsening is usually either long and varied playlists on my iPod connected to my system through my Arcam drDock & controlled from my ipad for background or lazy listening.

If there is an album or a selecton of tacks in particullar that I want to really enjoy I'll play the CD's on my system.

When using my computer in my home office I will play playlists on it in the background.

Interesting topic.

Mode 1. Least used, but possibly most (musically rewarding).

We have an L shaped living room, so in the short bit of the L is my main system... Components in order of importance...

Big comfy leather sofa, Avi Sub, Avi ADM9RS speakers, Squeezebox/ Netgear ReadyNas ultra 2, Arcam Alpha 7SE CD player. Controlled either with my Samsung Tablet Pro 8.4 or Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro.

I have around A LOT of my own music on the Readynas. I have around 1500 CDs, most of which are in the garage in boxes. Occaisionaly I buy a new one and spin it, or grab one I haven't ripped.

However, 90% of my listening now is through Spotify. I find it just as high quality as a CD rip for the most part. I do find the odd album that "isn't" as good as one I have (usually due to overcompression) and use my own version.

Mode 2. PC.

At the back of the garage is my main desktop PC. It's a tiny little space, just enough for my desk, 2 monitors (A cheap 27" Samsung and a decent quality 24" HP). At each end of the desk is an Avi ADM9T.

At the side (for the moment) is a BK XXLS 400. When I am working from home, or simply relaxing with Photoshop or the WHF forum! I sit here and blast it out! Music comes from the computer via a Beresforrd DAC to the Avis

Mode 3 - Kitchen. I do ALL the cooking. I love to cook. We have ceiling mounted Jamo speakers and my AV system has a Zone 2 which feeds another Squeezebox which plays music in the kitchen.

(I do miss the bass here mind you)

Mode 4 - Least used. Living room. Speakers... AV system is 5.1 in-wall Jamos. The sub is not in use at the moment, so it's at best background music.

Mode 5 - Headphones...Using right now as I type. I am using a cheap Roland USB soundcard/DAC from my Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro to my Shure SRH940 heaphones whilst the family watch some cartoons! Sound is LUSH 🙂 Best headphones I have ever used. That includes some decent Sennheisers 595, 650, Momentum.

And I am on Spotify...

And seriously, quality is just as good as CD IMO.
Many ways.

Cds or Spotify on speakers or headphones. Phone playing FLAC or Spotify through a portable dac amp. Laptop playing through dac magic xs into phones. Yamaha SG1820 into a yamaha THR5 or Laboga The Beast. Freshman DC3 into a court 2 by 10 acoustic amp.

All of it has some emotional or mood reflection. Beer plus acdc results in air guitar, jumping around the house or playing along. For the dark depressing moments a bit of Roger waters or magnolia electric Co.; and every stop in between. Like Toyota man, I prefer music, passive of active to TV any day.
Mode 1 (most common) - Background listening with speakers while using the computer, getting ready for work and doing other jobs.

Mode 2 - Listening with earphones while walking to work or occasionally when travelling on a bus.

Mode 3 - Focused listening using headphones which is mostly done while sitting in bed.

Mode 4 - (least common) - Focused listening using speakers.
While I work - at my desk with either headphones or active speakers with files playing from my computer into a DAC/HPA/preamp.

At night before going to sleep - either a CD or iPod playing into my amp (using the amp's DAC). Sometimes using headphones with the iPod playing lossless files into a DAC/HPA.

Living room, mainly as background music, using airplay into some cheap active speakers.

In the bath - my office is close enough to the bathroom that I crank up the volume a little bit on my office system and have background music while I'm in the bath.

Generally I prefer to listen to music than watch TV, but often the TV will be on without any sound. Also listen a lot while surfing the net.

When listening is focused and I am just concentrating on the music I generally prefer to listen on speakers.


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