Klipsch Image X10 - £114.20 @ Amazon.co.uk


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
I assume that these lil' beauties are about to be re-styled or discontinued?

Currently £114.20 (incl VAT & p&p) - reduced from £229 - at Amazon.co.uk.


EDIT (17 Sept '09):
If your Klipsch Image X10s arrive from Amazon, as mine did today, & the packaging/branding merely states 'Klipsch Image', with no ref to 'X10', then fear not - see this thread on the Klipsch forum re the lack of 'X10':


Now we know why Amazon.co.uk is selling 'em for £114.20 - the packaging is out-of-date, but not the product.

BTW, these Klipsch 'buds sound awesome, IMHO, & they're very comfortable (compared to Shures). Now, when listening to music on my iPod 120GB, via 'buds, the sound quality is no longer so 2nd-rate when compared to a home hi-fi setup.
was just about to post this same price on Pixmania!

EDIT: Out of stock on Amazon, so just Pixmania left. Don't think they'll be getting any more in stock, if it's an old branded line.
Got these from Pixmania a few days ago, top quality.

Be sure to use Quidco for an extra 3% off.
Bought these earphones on your recommandation. All I can say is: wow! I love them. They are so honest, detailed and seem to shine whatever music I play through them.

Great recommendation. Thanx guys!


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