Very recently I was able to audition the Kef LS50 with three different integrated amplifiers: Rega Brio-R, Musical Fidelity M3i, and Exposure 2010s2.
In short, the Rega Brio-R, while sounding great, lacked the sonic presence of the other two.
I was utterly impressed with the imaging of the Exposure 2010s2. In the Elevation version in the All That You Can't Leave Behind U2's album, I could clearly hear all the instruments, and exposed in their right positions 😉. On the other hand, the version of this same song in the Tomb Raider Soundtrack—a terrible mix, I believe, bright and thin—sounded ok, and in my opinion the amplifier is forgiving with not so good recordings.
Bass was simply great in the Musical Fidelity M3i. In Maya Jane Cole's Easier to Hide, the bass was tight and well defined—while in the Exposure 2010s2 seemed to rather be a grave murmur. Regrettably, sound staging in the M3i was simply not comparable, by far, to the one given by the 2010s2.
But my main conclussion after this audition is that, after all, the LS50 are not that impressive. Currently I own a pair of Kef R100, which I believe have a better bass reproduction, and produce a tad mellower sound, than the LS50. I was thinking of upgrading to the LS50 and, after this session, I don't have it so clear… I think that the combination of the Exposure 2010s2 with the Kef R100 could be great and that's what I plan to audition next. The issue is that I would like to also audition the Arcam FMJ A19, and where I live (Braunschweig, Germany) there is no Hi-Fi shop that carries Arcam.