Kef Kube 1 Subwoofer Can I use QED Qonduit Mains Power Lead?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've just installed my Kef home cinema system (Kef 1005.2) and somehow I've misplaced the power lead for the Kube 1 subwoofer (or more than likey the kids have had it off)

So instead of replacing it with a standard power lead, I thought I'd buy a QED power lead, I was just wondering am I safe to use it with the subwoofer without fear of blowing the fuse or anything else for that matter?

It requires 220-240v and it says T1.25al 250v for 220-240v input on the back of the subwoofer..

Thanks Mick

System, Panasonic 42PX80B LCD, Panasonic BD35 Blu Ray, Onkyo 506 AV Receiver, Sky HD, Marantz CD5400, Kef 1005.2 surround system.

Yeah Messiah the connectors are a standard 3 pin (just like a kettle plug) from what I can find out on the web I should be okay to use it.


No problems - the fuse rating mentioned on the back of the unit is that of the internal fuse, not the fuse in the mains plug.

I've purchased the QED power lead and for some reason all it's doing is blowing the 1.25 fuse that's situated in the back of the Kube1, even the 250v lead supplied withthe Kef is blowing the fuse, any ideas?
If both power leads are causing the plug fuse to blow, there may be a fault with the subwoofer in which case you should contact the dealer you bought it from.It may also be worth checking the fuse beneath the iec socket if that is fused as well, you should be able to open the holder with a thin flat bladed screwdriver and the fuse value will be marked on the fuse if it needs replacing, it will probably be a clear fuse so its easy to tell if it has blown. If you do need a replacement fuse most electrical wholesalers will sell them, as will most diy stores.

Been in touch with the dealer and they will replace it with another Kube 1, they said it's prob a fault with the subwoofer it'self, just as you said Tiggs.

So fingers crossed when the replacement turns up I should be finally able to finish my set up lol

Thanks for the help guys



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