itunes second library question


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Ive just ripped my final cd in lossless to my Nas drive i now want to create a second library of the same music but converted in to a lower quality format to fit on my ipod which is in need of an update, now i know how to convert the files and create a second library but i want this to be on a second external hard drive i just use for backups im just a little worried ill do something to my lossless library! if someone who has done this can give me a little guidance would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi flairdj

If you go into 'Preferences' and under the 'General' tab change the import settings to reflect your desired compression settings THEN (and this is important) go to the 'Advanced' tab.

Now change 'Music Folder Location' to your desired hard drive destination for the compressed files. Press OK to get out of the 'Preferences' menu.

Finally highlight ALL your songs in iTunes, point at any one of them and press the RIGHT mouse button. This will give you a menu and the 4th option should be "Create ...... Version". This will match your chosen compression settings.

Depending on how many tracks you have this could take 24 hrs!!

You will now have both lossless & compressed tracks in iTunes but the actual files will be in 2 seperate folders. You can filter them in Itunes by creating a Smart Playlist and specifying that "Kind" contains "lossless" for Lossless or "Bit Rate" is "Less than" "550kbps" for the compressed files.

Don't forget to change the preferences back before ripping any new songs...

Good luck

Thanks for such a full answer was exactly what i needed! I think it may take a while then think theres probably 9000 tracks!
The only thing im worried about thinking about it is when i update my sonos controller the other playlist will be there is there any way of having it completely separately so when i start up itunes i select which one? Thanks
I don't know about Sonos particularly, but if you set up the 2 Smart Playlists as I discussed then you should be able to select either playlist from Sonos. Try setting up a test playlist and see if you can select that in Sonos.

Being on a tight budget I am running Airport Express into my amp and controlling it from the PC (or my sons Ipod Touch when he is around!!)

Good luck - 9000 tracks will take 16 hours at least (make sure you turn off your screen saver etc or your PC may go into standby whilst converting).


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