Its now or never!!!!!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Ok. After reading so many things about Lcds and Plasmas I was going to but the 42PZ85 from Panasonic but, and there is always a but, is it worth waiting and paying the extra money to buy the PZ800?

[quote user="Rmatos"]
Ok. After reading so many things about Lcds and Plasmas I was going to but the 42PZ85 from Panasonic but, and there is always a but, is it worth waiting and paying the extra money to buy the PZ800?



Check out the Panasonic website, compare the features of them both (including aesthetics) and see if the extra features warrant the spend. If you are going to listen to it via a home cinema system then this will negate the sound advantages that it has.

Deep colour support will be useful to you if you use an HD camcorder.

PZ800 has only been in the shops for a week or so, the PZ85 for a few months. PZ85 is discounted to £950 (S&V), the PZ800 is still up around the £1350 mark or more, everywhere.

IMO it isn't worth £400 extra.

The choice is yours!!
I'd rather spend the extra money on the rest of the kit to make the whole experience more enjoyable.... I would rather have a 42PX80 entry level telly with amp, speakers and decent source than the best telly and have to put up with the on board speakers
Just came back from a local retailer, I read they had the Z800. So I was finally ready to make my decision on which Panasonic to buy. Well the Z800 looks a lot better on photographs than it does in real life. You know those little mirror things they stick behind a Gilette razor. It's got on of those, about 7 inches wide and one inch high just below the screen. What were they thinking??
I already didn't really like the Z80 and Z85 looks but the Z800 is ugly.

Speaking to the sales person he made the obvious suggestion, why not seriously look at the Pioneer. It has a better picture,looks better and I was able to pick up the 4280XA for ?1399,00 which is 220 euro's less than the cheapest websource in the Netherlands.
So after looking at different panasonic models for over a year I finally went for Pioneer. It's being delivered tomorrow just in time for the European championships.
give it to me, delishes ice cream from Italy, walls corneto
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
LOL.Makes you proud of our state education system .Still LOL
give it to me delicious ice cream from Italy, Wall Cornetto

found the spell cheaker


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