heystak:Serenity: Sonos or SqueezeBox Duet?
I have a Duet and I'm pleased with it and will extend my "music network" in due course.
The Duet does get a lot of bad press because of flaky communication with the PC / server. In my experience this is due more to the quality / strength of the router signal and PC capability than the Duet itself.
From what I understand (but I could be wrong) the Sonos uses its own network to stream the music rather than piggy backing on your router.
This is correct, it's also why Sonos will support up to 32 zones (AND 32 controllers) should you so wish, whereas, AIUI, Squeezebox can overload a wireless router with 4 zones.
The Sonos probably appears to be more reliable because of this but you are paying a lot more for it.
If you have a decent router and PC you will be fine with the Duet.
Depends how you look at it, most people start off buying the Sonos bundle, which is two zones and a controller and works out between 7-800 quid, Squeezebox Duet is around 300 quid, for one zone, double it and add a bit and you're pretty much there. Yes, Sonos is more expensive, but not by quite as much as people might think, assuming you require more than one zone.