is now the time to buy?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
how does the Panny G20 compare to the px80?Is it worth upgrading to?PS3,360BD DENON1910 SKYHD.Where can i buy online that will deliver to N.Ireland?
In my opinion the G20 is a significant upgrade compared to PX80. Just to mention a few points:

- FullHD panel

- Better contrast (better blacks, but more signicantly G20 is brighter)

- Less reflections in the panel compared to earlier generation plasma's from Panasonic

- THX setting making life much easier when setting up the TV at home

When that is said, I would probably wait for a review of either V20 og VT20 for which at least I have high expectations. I of course don't know if these are above your budget.

There are also other great plasma's to consider this year from Samsung and LG.
V20 should be due in May.

I don't know about WhatHifi, but the first tests in Denmark are expected within a few weeks.


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