Is Arcam solo mini worth the extra outlay?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I'm torn between buying the Denon Dm37 or really blowing my budget and going for the Arcam Solo Mini - but is it really worth the extra five hundred pounds? Also does anyone know of any good deals on either systems? many thanks
Suggest looking at Richer Sounds, Sevenoaks, Superfi etc for deals/combinations on the DM37 with various speakers. Not so sure on deals with the Arcam, bit out of my price range. Things like wife, grandchildren etc. take all my money so have to buy kit at the bottom end of the market.

The new Cambridge all-in-one may be worth a look at though. Reviewed in latest WHF.

Appears to be plenty of happy DM37 users.
You need to audition them side by side to decide whether the extra outlay is worthwhile to you.

The Arcam will be better, but whether its sonic signature will suit you is another matter. Only an audition can answer that question. You'll also need to be looking at better speakers for the Arcam.
I can vouch for the Arcam's amp section - even with my 685s it is capable of impressive transparency through the FM tuner or USB. And the 685s are apparently not the last word in that regard.

And CD replay is very good too but I'm getting a rDock until I go the PC route - changing CDs has become unbearable.


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