IPOD Nana and Preset Equaliser settings and iTunes


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Am i right in thinking that if i set the EQ settings in iTunes and then sync to my ipod that the settings are carried over? If so, should I see the "EQ" setting in the iPod change? Is there anyway to see information about a track on the iPod (rather than connecting to my PC and using itunes)?

I love the idea of an iPod nana - she'd probably knit a nice cover for her player, as an alarming number of people of t'interweb seem already to have done.

I'll have to get one of the young people to answer your question, however...
I'm pretty sure that EQ settings in iTunes will not be carried over to your iPod. People will make changes to EQ settings in order to get the sound they want from a particular source and speakers. There's no reason why the sonic signature of your computer and speakers, and iPod and headphones would be the same, so the EQ adjustments you make in one, will likely be irrelevant to the other.

As for track info (assuming you mean file size etc): you'll have to get this from iTunes I'm afraid.
But to actually answer your question.....for any given track in iTunes, right click and 'get info' - you can set custom EQ for that track there (you knew that bit, presumably).

However, the EQ on the iPod itself has to be set to something other than 'Off' for those EQ settings to be used - for example, 'Flat' uses custom EQs for songs that have them, and no EQ for the rest - use another EQ and that will be iPod-global, apart from those tracks which have an EQ setting.

If you want to listen to a track (for which you've set a custom EQ) with an iPod EQ, start playing the track, then go to Settings on the iPod and change the EQ.
surely its iPod Nanna - an iPod Nana should be yellow and bent (but not too bent so as to fall foul of the EU regulations).....

thanks for the help guys...

just to clarify - the presets from iTunes ARE carried on to the nana and can be manually changed on the nana.... the settings the nana displays in the "settings" menu are what it will use if I have not set a deafult....

right - am sure there will be another numpty question tomorrow - but for tonight I am working through my vat musical repertoire so I can sit in the office and chill tomorrow ;-)
ok - I am going to start using the spell checker!!!!!!!

just working through the "m" collection - we have

Midge Ure
Manu Chao

told you - eclectic!!!!
robw: surely its iPod Nanna - an iPod Nana should be yellow and bent (but not too bent so as to fall foul of the EU regulations).....

A bit like this, y'mean?
