InFocus 82 versus 83


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am about to purchase the IN 82 largely on the great reviews from What Hi Fi. I have seen the projector in action and I'm very happy with the way it looks BUT now they have released a new model. Should I be buying the IN 83? The 82 is a proven performer but what does the 83 have that the 82 doesn't and is it important? If I buy the 82 will i be sorry in the future? The extra $'s are not really a worry but obviously I can spend this elsewhere if there really isn't much difference. Any advice greatly appreciated.
If you're in the fortunate position of not having to worry too much about the extra outlay, I'd definitely go for the IN83. It uses a newer, higher-contrast evolution of the Texas Instruments DMD (Digital MicroMirror Device - the chipset that powers DLP projectors). Called DarkChip4, it helps the projector to deliver notably improved brightness and contrast relative to its sibling (which was itself no slouch in that department). The resulting picture is terrific: even after calibration, it boasts wonderful punch, with real zip and vigour to white areas of the screen, coupled to dense, profound blacks. In other regards it's the same beastie as before (same oversized but quiet-running chassis, same easy installation, same decent socket fit, same sci-fi styling).
Thanks for the advice. As it turns out my home cinema advisor has convinced me to go with the Sim2 Domino 80E which is a few thousand more again but is really impressive and my supplier has a good deal.


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