I went to see Barbie in the cinema – and now I wish I’d waited to watch it at home

Barbie is a certified blockbuster, but a cinema audio glitch serves as a reminder that good movies need good sound.

I went to see Barbie in the cinema – and now I wish I’d waited to watch it at home : Read more
Something similar happened to me but with the actual picture on Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. I could tell from the start that it was slightly out of focus and I think it was dismissed by the audience due to the visual style of the film which I was fully aware of. I have a fairly decent set up at home and had seen lots of clips of this film and it was crystal clear. I didn’t get up to complain on the day something I will definitely do in future but I did report after and was told that the focus was pre set and they found no issues on in the screen that I saw it on which was their premium larger screen. I did find this odd as I’m sure I see during the title and classification slight focus changes even on digital projectors. Anyway in conclusion I’m waiting for this to be released so I can watch it at home and have a better experience than paying to watch it in the cinema!
Barbie is a certified blockbuster, but a cinema audio glitch serves as a reminder that good movies need good sound.

I went to see Barbie in the cinema – and now I wish I’d waited to watch it at home : Read more
This is a common problem with going to the cinema. After working in the live and studio sound area for many years I know when things are wrong. The days of a projectionist running the shows is over. Numerous times I have ventured to the cinema only to be bitterly disappointed with terrible inaudible, over driven or out of phase sound tracks. When contacting one of the plebs that work there they simply have no idea what you are talking about. Your only compensation is to get a refund and send an email to the head office management that simply offer a free ticket to be tortured once again. Like many things these days people either don't know any better or accept this is the ways things are what can we do about it. With slimming audiences you would think that the cinema chains would be all over the technology to make it an exciting experience, like it used to be. I hope that one day. in the future they may realise this but I will not hold my breath.
I saw Barbie and Oppenheimer in separate cinemas - not on the same day, thankfully - and the sound quality was appreciably better for Oppenheimer. Barbie, in an upmarket independent cinema, was plenty loud enough but the sound was rather harsh and unmusical. Oppenheimer, in the flagship Picturehouse Central, was beyond loud but the dialogue was crystal clear (to my ears, others may disagree) and the music was gorgeously rich and immersive. So good sound is still available in cinemas and at a power and intensity that we certainly shouldn’t attempt at home if we want to stay on speaking terms with our neighbours!
Barbie is a certified blockbuster, but a cinema audio glitch serves as a reminder that good movies need good sound.

I went to see Barbie in the cinema – and now I wish I’d waited to watch it at home : Read more
I saw Oppenheimer at an Imax last week-some of the sounds were incredible but overall the balance between dialogue & effects was very poor-almost everyone I know who's seen it says the same-they couldn't hear the dialogue in a dialogue heavy film. Very disappointing but great film.


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